View Full Version : web deployment wupdate question

01-27-2012, 01:27 AM
I am using wupdate as part of my web deployment install. I have it check my
website for any updates as soon as the app launches. In Vista and Win 7
environments--ones that I believe are running UAC with at least a medium
level of security--a windows message appears asking the user if it is okay
to run the program as it is trying to access the internet. However the
publisher of that product is showing as Lindersoft. This represents
confusion to my end users who have no idea why that company name is popping
up. Any suggestions?



01-27-2012, 01:27 AM

> I am using wupdate as part of my web deployment install. I have it
> check my website for any updates as soon as the app launches. In
> Vista and Win 7 environments--ones that I believe are running UAC with
> at least a medium level of security--a windows message appears asking
> the user if it is okay to run the program as it is trying to access
> the internet. However the publisher of that product is showing as
> Lindersoft. This represents confusion to my end users who have no
> idea why that company name is popping up. Any suggestions?

First of all, I would suggest to use "wucheck.exe" instead of "wupdate.exe"
to check for updates. The advantage of wucheck.exe is that it can check for
updates unelevated. As a result, there is no elevation prompt if your users
check for an update.

The wucheck.exe and wupdate.exe source codes are provided. You can use
wucheck.sb7 / wupdate.sb7 and recompile your own versions (and code-sign
with your own certificate).

Does this help?
