View Full Version : Clear Type Font

01-27-2012, 01:28 AM

Can I recommend in SB8 (or a future version) that more use of Clear Type
font is used.


* Buttons in the Toolbar
* System Messages - ie: MESSAGE()
* Status Bar at the bottom
* Find in the toolbar

Thank you very much for the consideration. :-)

Robert Paresi

01-27-2012, 01:29 AM
Hello Robert,

> Can I recommend in SB8 (or a future version) that more use of Clear Type
> font is used.
> ie:
> * Buttons in the Toolbar
> * System Messages - ie: MESSAGE()
> * Status Bar at the bottom
> * Find in the toolbar
> Thank you very much for the consideration. :-)

I am using 'Tahoma' in most dialogs and 'MS Sans Serif' in the toolbar.
What font are you using?


01-27-2012, 01:29 AM
I don't believe MS Sans Serif is cleartype (at least not as good as
Tahoma). I suggest you replace all mentions of MS Sans Serif with

It would be nice if you could go to Segoe UI, but it's not available
on XP (unless you've installed one of Microsoft's products that
includes it, like Office). That's why I continue to use Tahoma in my
vertical market APPs.

Mike Hanson

01-27-2012, 01:30 AM
Yup, we use Tahoma as the standard


Robert Paresi

01-27-2012, 01:30 AM
> I don't believe MS Sans Serif is cleartype (at least not as good as
> Tahoma). I suggest you replace all mentions of MS Sans Serif with Tahoma.

We use MS Sans Serif for all entry fields and Tahoma for everything else.

That works well across XP and the more modern OS's as well (regardless if
the user has ClearType On or Off).


Charles Edmonds
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01-27-2012, 01:31 AM
The problem is that MS Sans Serif looks jagged and dated. It did the
same as you did when I was stuck in C6 without cleartype support in my
ENTRY fields, but was glad to be rid of it when C7 was released.

Mike Hanson

01-27-2012, 01:31 AM
I'd still hit it.

>The problem is that MS Sans Serif looks jagged and dated.

Jeff Slarve
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01-27-2012, 01:32 AM
>I'd still hit it.

We know. <g>

Mike Hanson

01-27-2012, 01:32 AM
When/if we move to C8, we might have a change of heart.

Jeff Slarve
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01-27-2012, 01:32 AM
Yeah, I understand. I was so fed up with MS Sans Serif, that I
started to use Tahoma on everything (even in C6). I added a bit of
code to check if cleartype was running, and if so, it would
automatically chnage the font for ENTRY controls (and a couple others,
IIRC) back to MS Sans Serif. Once I got to C7, I tossed the template,
and all was fine.

Mike Hanson

01-27-2012, 01:33 AM
Segoe UI rocks. A bit wide, but I think that would be ideal for the new laptops
with the wide screens.

Russell B. Eggen

01-27-2012, 01:34 AM

Personally what you're already using works for me. I guess Robert and
Mike are getting too old... wait, I'm probably older. Children, can't
do a dang thing with'm!<g>

Lee White

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01-27-2012, 01:35 AM
I don't believe it is correct.

See attached:

Microsoft San Serif vs MS San Serif are two different fonts.

Robert Paresi

01-27-2012, 01:36 AM
Lee likes bitmapped fonts. He's one of those guys with eyes that
react badly to cleartype. I'm not one of those guys. <g>

Mike Hanson

01-27-2012, 01:37 AM

> Lee likes bitmapped fonts. He's one of those guys with eyes that
> react badly to cleartype. I'm not one of those guys. <g>

Blur is NOT appreciated... crisp is!<g>

But that said I do use TT fonts just about everywhere except in my
preferred code editor where I do use a bitmap font... so there, HA!<g>

Lee White

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01-27-2012, 01:37 AM
I don't like blurred either, but I dislike jaggies even more. <g>

However, I found that the cleartype tuning minimized the bad aspects
(for me).

Mike Hanson

01-27-2012, 01:38 AM

> However, I found that the cleartype tuning minimized the bad aspects
> (for me).

I tuned so often I wrote a symphony!<g>

FINALLY I found the magic combination of options to turn it completely
off. That was NOT an easy task except for the old "Classic" theme. For
all others it's a major undertaking... not for the weak of heart!!!

Lee White

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01-27-2012, 01:39 AM

> Lee likes bitmapped fonts. He's one of those guys with eyes that
> react badly to cleartype. I'm not one of those guys. <g>

It's not bitmapped... it's ClearType font smoothing that sucks!<g>

See, even with Aero I have crisp instead of blurred! I was just saying
that SB looks fine as is, fonts be damned!<lol>

Lee White

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01-27-2012, 01:40 AM
> It's not bitmapped... it's ClearType font smoothing that sucks!<g>

See? YUCK!<g>

Lee White