View Full Version : Windows 8 compatibility questions

01-31-2012, 01:42 AM

I have received quite a few questions about Windows 8 compatibility
requirements. I'll post answers here in form of FAQs over the next few

There are some fundamental changes in Windows 8 that might affect your
migration. As a simple example, if your product depends on a specific .NET
Framework version then the "old" framework detection does not work any
longer because MS changed the detection mechanisms. This seems to be a
permanent change in the OS. In fact, it's only a very minor change but has
a huge impact on all existing product deployments.

But more to this later...


Friedrich Linder

01-31-2012, 01:43 AM
A quick note: the SetupBuilder 7.7 compiler will handle most of the changes
in the compatibility requirements automatically for you. Just recompile and
you are done.

But under the hood, we had to revamp quite a few things in the compiler and
runtimes to handle Windows 8 deployments.


01-31-2012, 01:43 AM
I am sure you would be bored if MS did not oblige you to all these
changes <vbg>

Merci for all you do for all of us. Making our lifes SO MUCH easier.

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For those who do not understand ... : "Qui bene amat bene castigat."
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DMC - Data Management Center : a tool to let you Migrate Import Export
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01-31-2012, 01:43 AM
> I am sure you would be bored if MS did not oblige you to all these changes
> <vbg>


> Merci for all you do for all of us. Making our lifes SO MUCH easier.

