View Full Version : End of install Readme

02-14-2012, 01:36 AM
I want to display text file with guide to new features at the end of the
install and also be able to
allow end user to print. Is there an example of this somewhere in the
example projects?

Dan Scott
C55 - C6.3 Legacy
Garage Partner Pro / Invoice Partner
Plan A is always more effective when the device you are working on
understands that Plan B involves a larger hammer

02-14-2012, 01:37 AM

> I want to display text file with guide to new features at the end of the
> install and also be able to
> allow end user to print. Is there an example of this somewhere in the
> example projects?

If it's a file you want to leave intact just install it and use "Run
Program" with ShellExecute. This will run the file in the users
preferred program, such as Notepad.

Just make it the last line in the script.

Lee White

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02-14-2012, 01:37 AM

Never appears when I do run program.

Dan Scott
C55 - C6.3 Legacy
Garage Partner Pro / Invoice Partner
Plan A is always more effective when the device you are working on
understands that Plan B involves a larger hammer

02-14-2012, 01:37 AM

You were right again.. I think I will let it go at running the rtf at the
end of install.


Dan Scott
C55 - C6.3 Legacy
Garage Partner Pro / Invoice Partner
Plan A is always more effective when the device you are working on
understands that Plan B involves a larger hammer

02-14-2012, 01:38 AM

> I want to display text file with guide to new features at the end of the
> install and also be able to
> allow end user to print. Is there an example of this somewhere in the
> example projects?

Let us assume, you would like to display the text before the Finish dialog
(see attached screenshots):

1. Add the "Readme" dialog before the "Finish" dialog.

2. Open the dialog properties.

3. In the "String Resources" tab, click the 'Readme Text' browse button and
then the Edit button. Select your .rtf file. Click "OK" and then "Select".

3. Select the "Advanced" tab and mark the "Enable Print Button (RTF only)"
checkbox. The "RTF Support" checkbox is marked by default.

Click OK and compile. That's it :)


02-14-2012, 01:39 AM
Or what Lee said. You can use the "Run Program..." ShellExecuteEx option to
open your file with the associated application (e.g. a .htm file with
Internet Explorer or .txt with Notepad, etc.).


02-14-2012, 01:40 AM

This is what I get.

Dan Scott
C55 - C6.3 Legacy
Garage Partner Pro / Invoice Partner
Plan A is always more effective when the device you are working on
understands that Plan B involves a larger hammer

02-14-2012, 01:41 AM

> This is what I get.

There are two possible reasons:

1. You do not have a valid .rtf


2. You have a valid .rtf but you did unmark the "RTF Support" checkbox.

I have attached a demo for you (see danrtf.zip file).

Does this help?


02-15-2012, 01:35 AM

Thanks for your calming effect.
All is fine now

Dan Scott
C55 - C6.3 Legacy
Garage Partner Pro / Invoice Partner
Plan A is always more effective when the device you are working on
understands that Plan B involves a larger hammer