View Full Version : Custom pre-requisites

02-29-2012, 02:37 AM
What is the recommended way to go about installing my own 'custom
pre-requisites' in an SB7 install page.
Examples: some .NET assemblies.... (e.g. SQL Server CE (specific version)...
VB PowerPack.. etc, etc)

Steve Bywaters

02-29-2012, 02:37 AM
and an auxiliary question:

Can I include an existing Windows MSI package as part of a SB package?
(+ example?)

Steve Bywaters

02-29-2012, 02:38 AM

> What is the recommended way to go about installing my own 'custom
> pre-requisites' in an SB7 install page.
> Examples: some .NET assemblies.... (e.g. SQL Server CE (specific
> version)... VB PowerPack.. etc, etc)

I would suggest to use one of the existing pre-requisites as a starting

BTW, the following is demo for the SQL Server Compact 3.5 redistributable:


The install image includes the original Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5
redistributables (32-bit and 64-bit) and the SetupBuilder .sbi Include

Copy "rt_sqlCompactredist.exe" into your \Runtimes folder under the
SetupBuilder 7 Program Files folder tree. Then start it and the installer
will copy the required SQL Server Compact 3.5 files.

You'll have a new "rt_sqlCompact35.sbi" script in your "core" Include script
folder. Add this to your .sb7 project (see attached screenshot).

It also demonstrates how to package an existing .msi into your installer.

Hope this helps.


02-29-2012, 02:39 AM
Looks useful... however, I don't want to actually run the package because
(if I read you right) it will 'install' the SQL CE files.

I already have 3.5 & 4 setups here, and don't want to 'mess' with that on
my development machine (yes, I'm paranoid... :-) - but I would be very
interested in looking at those underlying script(s) - can do?

Steve Bywaters

02-29-2012, 02:39 AM

> Looks useful... however, I don't want to actually run the package because
> (if I read you right) it will 'install' the SQL CE files.

Not 'install', but 'copy' ;-)

"rt_sqlCompactredist.exe" will not change your registry nor will it install
files into your Windows, etc. folders. Sorry for the confusion.

If you copy "rt_sqlCompactredist.exe" into your ..\Runtimes folder under the
SetupBuilder 7 Program Files folder tree and start it, it will only copy the
original 32-/64-bit redistributables (SSCERuntime_x86-ENU.msiS and
SCERuntime_x64-ENU.msi) into your ...\Runtime\sqlCompact35 folder and the
..sbi into your ...\Include folder.

> I already have 3.5 & 4 setups here, and don't want to 'mess' with that on
> my development machine (yes, I'm paranoid... :-) - but I would be very
> interested in looking at those underlying script(s) - can do?

Yes, I understand and I am paranoid too <g>.
