View Full Version : SetupBuilder 7.7 will be released next week!

03-23-2012, 05:59 AM
Hi folks,

Just wanted to let everyone know that SetupBuilder 7.7 will be released next
week. We have added a few more fixes, and want to be able to regress test

Change log for release of SetupBuilder 7.7 Build 3636 (March 23, 2012)

FEATURE : Add preliminary built-in support for Windows 8 "Consumer
Preview" and Windows Server 2012.

FEATURE : IDE: Add support for Windows 8 in the "#embed UAC manifest..."
compiler directive.

FEATURE : [SB#202091] IDE: Add "#http download..." compiler directive to
download a file.

IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add support for Windows 7 to the "Set App Compatibility
Mode..." script function.

IMPROVEMENT: Add "Installer GUID" option to the "Get System Info..." script
function to retrieve the GUID of the installer.

IMPROVEMENT: [SB#202131] Installer: The 'Set Variable(Ex) "Arithmetic &
Bitwise" operation supports 64-bit integer values now.

IMPROVEMENT: [SB#202031] IDE: The compiler displays the code signing
expiration date in the compiler window. If the expiration
date is < 45 days, it gives a compiler warning.

IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add "Add Include Script..." item to the right-click
popup menu in the Script Editor.

IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add "Set Variable..." item to the right-click popup menu
in the Script Editor.

IMPROVEMENT: Add support for .NET Framework 4.5 detection.

IMPROVEMENT: The "System Software Requirements" option supports .NET
Framework 4.5 detection.

IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add a HTTP_TIMEOUT #pragma to set the timeout, in
milliseconds, for blocking receive calls in HTTP download

FIX : [SB#202281] IDE: The compiler did not detect unreferenced
variables in the "Edit INI..." script function.

CHANGE : [SB#201231] Installer: If a ".NET Framework is Installed"
Software Requirement is not met, the installation replaces
the "1.0" text string resource "placeholder" in the displayed
message box with the selected .NET Framework version.

CHANGE : Installer: If a Requirement is not met, the message box
displays an icon consisting of a lowercase letter "i" in
a circle.

CHANGE : IDE: Rename "Arithmetic & Bitwise Operation" in the "Set
Variable(Ex)..." script functions to "Arithmetic & Bitwise".

CHANGE : [SB#202132] IDE: The Get Started Task "Browse sample projects"
displays a warning message if Windows can't explore the
'Examples' folder.

CHANGE : Installer: Change the default timeout for blocking receive
calls in HTTP download actions from 5,000 milliseconds to
10,000 milliseconds.

CHANGE : [SB#202291] IDE: The "Add Compiler Variable" SKU Management
Configuration option checks for the invalid vertical bar
("|") in the Value List entry.

CHANGE : IDE: If the SKU Management Configuration option 'Value List'
is blank, the /CV command line compiler switch lets you
define the SKU 'Value List' for 'Combo entry with list of
values (single-select)' and 'List entry with list of values
(multi-select)' SKU entry types by passing a list of items
separated by a vertical bar ("|").

CHANGE : IDE: If the SKU Management Configuration option 'Value List'
is defined, the /CV command line compiler switch lets you
select one item in the SKU 'Value List' for 'Combo entry
with list of values (single-select)' and one or multiple
items in the 'List entry with list of values (multi-select)'
SKU entry types by passing a list of items separated by a
vertical bar ("|").

CHANGE : [SB#203081] The "Get INI Value..." script function can
retrieve values up to 10KB.

CHANGE : IDE: Minor modifications in the internal thread communication
management to avoid possible deadlock scenarios when starting
the IDE or opening and closing projects. This should fix the
"Warning: The IDE was unable to start thread #X." issue
(especially on Windows 8).

CHANGE : Remanifested pkey.exe code-sign helper to provide Windows 8
"Consumer Preview" compatibility.

CHANGE : Recompiled wupdate.exe web update client to provide Windows 8
"Consumer Preview" compatibility.

CHANGE : Recompiled wucheck.exe web update check client to provide
Windows 8 "Consumer Preview" compatibility.

CHANGE : Updated online help (CHM and PDF).

REGRESSION : [SB#203091] Installer: The shortcut for a non-executable file
installed to the 32-bit 'Program Files' folder on 64-bit
operating systems displayed a blank icon. Before calling the
SetIconLocation API to set the location (path and index) of the
icon for a Shell link object on x64 operating systems when
running in 32-bit mode, convert the a 'Program Files' folder
item for .exe files only to an environment variable to work
around a Windows x64 bug.


Friedrich Linder

SetupBuilder is Windows installation -- "point. click. ship"

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

03-23-2012, 05:59 AM
Thanks Friedrich,

Looks very good!

Best regards,

03-23-2012, 06:00 AM
> CHANGE : IDE: Minor modifications in the internal thread communication
> management to avoid possible deadlock scenarios when starting
> the IDE or opening and closing projects. This should fix the
> "Warning: The IDE was unable to start thread #X." issue
> (especially on Windows 8).

Does this perhaps explain why I have many hangs in the IDE too?
The IDE seems to hang very often after uploading files to ftp.
Windows 7, 32.


03-23-2012, 06:00 AM

> Does this perhaps explain why I have many hangs in the IDE too?
> The IDE seems to hang very often after uploading files to ftp.
> Windows 7, 32.

I am not sure if this is related to your problem.

The threading problem in the IDE is caused by the Windows MDI issue and Win8
made it even worse. I hope that SB V7.7 will work around the "Warning: The
IDE was unable to start thread #X." problem.

BTW, we upload 50+ projects per day and have never seen a "deadlock" after
the FTP upload in all the years. But we do not have any Windows 7 32-bit
here (all Win7 machines are running x64) so perhaps this makes a difference.


03-23-2012, 06:01 AM
I am sure you wake up every morning asking yourself 'What can I add to
SB to make it better for the users ?'
(the "german" 'perfection machine' when it is started - very difficult
to stop it eh ?)
(like Schumi in the "new" Mercedes car)


MERCI for all this work Fredrich

__________________________________________________ _____

For those who do not understand ... : "Qui bene amat bene castigat."
__________________________________________________ _____

DMC - Data Management Center : a tool to let you Migrate Import Export
Transfer your Data

03-23-2012, 06:02 AM
<BG> Thank you, JP!! :-)

Yes, Mercedes again looked impressive in Malaysia. Schumacher and Rosberg
were third and fourth fastest in the morning session and second and fourth
in the afternoon. Not too bad. I am expecting an interesting race on
Sunday :)


03-24-2012, 02:37 AM
Hi Friedrich,

IDE: Minor modifications in the internal thread communication
management to avoid possible deadlock scenarios...

Can you share an overview of the method you found to workaround this?

Larry Sand

03-24-2012, 02:38 AM

> Can you share an overview of the method you found to workaround
> this?

Unfortunately, it's too complex to give a quick overview. And it is very
specific to the SetupBuilder IDE (written in Clarion and TopSpeed C, MSC++
and Assembly).


03-24-2012, 02:38 AM
This is a FABULOUS idea!


IMPROVEMENT: [SB#202031] IDE: The compiler displays the code signing
expiration date in the compiler window. If the expiration
date is < 45 days, it gives a compiler warning.

03-24-2012, 02:38 AM

> This is a FABULOUS idea!

Getting forgetful?<g>

Lee White

RPM Report Viewer.: http://www.cwaddons.com/products/rpm/
RPM Review........: http://www.clarionmag.com/cmag/v11/v11n06rpm.html
Report Faxing.....: http://www.cwaddons.com/products/afe/
---Enroll Today---: http://CWaddons.com

Enhanced Reporting: http://CreativeReporting.com

Product Release & Update Notices

03-24-2012, 02:39 AM
Do I know you???

Jane Fleming

03-24-2012, 02:39 AM

> Do I know you???

Does anyone?!

Lee White

RPM Report Viewer.: http://www.cwaddons.com/products/rpm/
RPM Review........: http://www.clarionmag.com/cmag/v11/v11n06rpm.html
Report Faxing.....: http://www.cwaddons.com/products/afe/
---Enroll Today---: http://CWaddons.com

Enhanced Reporting: http://CreativeReporting.com

Product Release & Update Notices

03-24-2012, 02:40 AM
Now he gets metaphysical <g>

Jane Fleming

03-24-2012, 02:40 AM

> Oy...

I had no idea you were Yiddish!<g>

> Now he gets metaphysical <g>


Lee White

RPM Report Viewer.: http://www.cwaddons.com/products/rpm/
RPM Review........: http://www.clarionmag.com/cmag/v11/v11n06rpm.html
Report Faxing.....: http://www.cwaddons.com/products/afe/
---Enroll Today---: http://CWaddons.com

Enhanced Reporting: http://CreativeReporting.com

Product Release & Update Notices

03-24-2012, 02:41 AM
Neither did I!

Jane Fleming

03-24-2012, 02:43 AM

> Neither did I!


Lee White

RPM Report Viewer.: http://www.cwaddons.com/products/rpm/
RPM Review........: http://www.clarionmag.com/cmag/v11/v11n06rpm.html
Report Faxing.....: http://www.cwaddons.com/products/afe/
---Enroll Today---: http://CWaddons.com

Enhanced Reporting: http://CreativeReporting.com

Product Release & Update Notices

03-24-2012, 02:43 AM

Jane Fleming

03-24-2012, 02:44 AM
Your accent seems more Morro Bay than SLO<g>

Jeff Slarve
This post may self-destruct at any moment

03-24-2012, 02:45 AM

Jeff Slarve
This post may self-destruct at any moment

03-26-2012, 12:32 AM
Friedrich Linder wrote :
> Unfortunately, it's too complex to give a quick overview.

Bummer, thanks anyway. BTW you still rock!

Larry Sand

03-26-2012, 12:33 AM

Russell B. Eggen

03-26-2012, 12:33 AM
Now if it would just automatically renew for you that would be fabulous. ;-)

Lynn Howard

03-26-2012, 12:34 AM
That's a pretty good idea. You could tell SB your info, then it could
re-submit for a new one when the time comes, insulating you from that
gawdawful website.

Jeff Slarve
This post may self-destruct at any moment

03-26-2012, 12:34 AM
Why do you hate gawdawful websites?

Jane Fleming

03-26-2012, 12:35 AM
It was all I could do to get Friedrich to have it make my coffee! Let's not work
the man to death! <g>

Russell B. Eggen

03-26-2012, 12:35 AM
Russ please send me the script for coffee making. ;-)


03-27-2012, 12:18 AM
I make 'Several' uploads to ftp pr day.
Win7.32 bit
Never seen a hang in the process.

Edvard Korsbæk

03-30-2012, 06:31 AM
Update: we have added a few more important fixes, and want to be able to
regress test them over the weekend.


SetupBuilder 7.7 Build 3643 (March 30, 2012)

FEATURE : Add preliminary built-in support for Windows 8 "Consumer
Preview" and Windows Server 2012.

FEATURE : IDE: Add support for Windows 8 in the "#embed UAC manifest..."
compiler directive.

FEATURE : [SB#202091] IDE: Add a "#http download..." compiler directive
to download a file.

IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add support for Windows 7 to the "Set App Compatibility
Mode..." script function.

IMPROVEMENT: Add "Installer GUID" option to the "Get System Info..." script
function to retrieve the GUID of the installer.

IMPROVEMENT: [SB#202131] Installer: The 'Set Variable(Ex) "Arithmetic &
Bitwise" operation supports 64-bit integer values now.

IMPROVEMENT: [SB#202031] IDE: The compiler displays the code signing
expiration date in the compiler window. If the expiration
date is < 45 days, it gives a compiler warning.

IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add "Add Include Script..." item to the right-click
popup menu in the Script Editor.

IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add "Set Variable..." item to the right-click popup menu
in the Script Editor.

IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add "Simulate 'Next' wizard button" option to the "Custom
Dialog" button control properties.

IMPROVEMENT: [SB#105121] IDE: Add "Repeat Task (Minutes)" option to the
"Add/Delete Scheduled Task..." script function.

IMPROVEMENT: The "Unzip File(s)..." script function can unzip decrypted ZIP
archive items.

IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add an option to recover from a "Fatal Error: Unknown
control type" error in the Visual Dialog Editor.

IMPROVEMENT: Add support for .NET Framework 4.5 detection.

IMPROVEMENT: The "System Software Requirements" option supports .NET
Framework 4.5 detection.

IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add a HTTP_TIMEOUT #pragma to set the timeout, in
milliseconds, for blocking receive calls in HTTP download

FIX : [SB#202281] IDE: The compiler did not detect unreferenced
variables in the "Edit INI..." script function.

FIX : IDE: Under certain circumstances, the compiler did not detect
unreferenced variables in the "Handle String Operation..."
script function.

FIX : [SB#203261] Installer: Under certain circumstances, the
automatic language detection in a multiple-language setup
did not work as expected.

CHANGE : [SB#201231] Installer: If a ".NET Framework is Installed"
Software Requirement is not met, the installation replaces
the "1.0" text string resource "placeholder" in the displayed
message box with the selected .NET Framework version.

CHANGE : Installer: If a Requirement is not met, the message box
displays an icon consisting of a lowercase letter "i" in
a circle.

CHANGE : IDE: Rename "Arithmetic & Bitwise Operation" in the "Set
Variable(Ex)..." script functions to "Arithmetic & Bitwise".

CHANGE : [SB#202132] IDE: The Get Started Task "Browse sample projects"
displays a warning message if Windows can't explore the
'Examples' folder.

CHANGE : Installer: Change the default timeout for blocking receive
calls in HTTP download actions from 5,000 milliseconds to
10,000 milliseconds.

CHANGE : [SB#202291] IDE: The "Add Compiler Variable" SKU Management
Configuration option checks for the invalid vertical bar
("|") in the Value List entry.

CHANGE : IDE: If the SKU Management Configuration option 'Value List'
is blank, the /CV command line compiler switch lets you
define the SKU 'Value List' for 'Combo entry with list of
values (single-select)' and 'List entry with list of values
(multi-select)' SKU entry types by passing a list of items
separated by a vertical bar ("|").

CHANGE : IDE: If the SKU Management Configuration option 'Value List'
is defined, the /CV command line compiler switch lets you
select one item in the SKU 'Value List' for 'Combo entry
with list of values (single-select)' and one or multiple
items in the 'List entry with list of values (multi-select)'
SKU entry types by passing a list of items separated by a
vertical bar ("|").

CHANGE : [SB#203081] The "Get INI Value..." script function can
retrieve values up to 10KB.

CHANGE : IDE: Minor modifications in the internal thread communication
management to avoid possible deadlock scenarios when starting
the IDE or opening and closing projects. This should fix the
"Warning: The IDE was unable to start thread #X." issue
(especially on Windows 8).

CHANGE : IDE: Compiler window displays processed #pragma compiler

CHANGE : IDE: The compiler does not display the currently processed
script in the IDE caption bar text to eliminate flickering.

CHANGE : [SB#203281] Installer: Increase the width of the "Space
Required" and "Space Available" static text controls in the
"Custom Install" wizard dialog.

CHANGE : [SB#202071] IDE: Update LSZip decompression library add-on to
build v2.9.9.6 to work around a possible CRC decompression bug
if the CRC is appended at the end of the compressed data. This
applies to the "#unzip file(s)..." compiler directive and to
the "Unzip File(s)..." script function.

CHANGE : Remanifested pkey.exe code-sign helper to provide Windows 8
"Consumer Preview" compatibility.

CHANGE : Recompiled wupdate.exe web update client to provide Windows 8
"Consumer Preview" compatibility.

CHANGE : Recompiled wucheck.exe web update check client to provide
Windows 8 "Consumer Preview" compatibility.

CHANGE : Updated online help (CHM and PDF).

REGRESSION : [SB#203091] Installer: The shortcut for a non-executable file
installed to the 32-bit 'Program Files' folder on 64-bit
operating systems displayed a blank icon. Before calling the
SetIconLocation API to set the location (path and index) of the
icon for a Shell link object on x64 operating systems when
running in 32-bit mode, convert the a 'Program Files' folder
item for .exe files only to an environment variable to work
around a Windows x64 bug.

04-02-2012, 03:33 AM
HEy Friedrich,

Can you tell us about when to release this version?


I urgently need a couple of functions from this version :(


04-02-2012, 03:36 AM

> Can you tell us about when to release this version?
> ;)
> I urgently need a couple of functions from this version :(

Depending on the regression test results, we expect the new version 7.7 to
be available within the next 48-72 hours.


04-02-2012, 04:12 AM
Before I'm on holiday next week, very nice :)

Dirk Büchel

04-02-2012, 06:10 AM
> Before I'm on holiday next week, very nice :)

Holiday???? You must be joking <g>

Enjoy your Easter Holiday :-)


04-05-2012, 10:06 AM
Well, you can not really say "holiday" - the work is just shifted from
office in the garden!


Dirk Büchel

04-05-2012, 10:07 AM
> Well, you can not really say "holiday" - the work is just shifted from
> office in the garden!
> :(

Argh! :-( I know what you mean <g>


04-05-2012, 10:07 AM
Don't let life get in the way of your PC<g>

Jeff Slarve
This post may self-destruct at any moment

04-05-2012, 10:08 AM
> Don't let life get in the way of your PC<g>

Yes! <g>
