View Full Version : Citrix enviroment - Silent installs not totally silent.

08-29-2012, 04:18 AM
Question from Citrix farm manager:

Can the reboot message be removed, and can it be so, that the program
finishes without rebooting even if nessecary?

The Citrix farm is set up, so the servers are set up to reboot each

A little background:

The program is run by app. 600 users, and there is allways 'Some' who
forget to close the program down.
I have added a couple of lines, which closes the program if it runs on
the citrix server, and generally it works like a charm. But, they have
found, that on 58 citrix servers, you now and then have one who needs
a reboot caused by my setup. And as the setup runs in a silent script,
it locks that server untill someone closes the setup process.

Best regards

Edvard Korsbæk

08-29-2012, 04:19 AM
Hi Edvard,

> Can the reboot message be removed, and can it be so, that the program
> finishes without rebooting even if nessecary?

Yes, you can suppress the reboot message.

See attached screenshot. Just add a 'Set Installer Flag $SB_RESTARTFLAG$ to
"0"' function to the end of the script to "disable" the reboot process.
Please note that your application installation is in an incomplete state (if
there is a pending reboot) until the server is restarted.


08-29-2012, 04:20 AM
