View Full Version : What controls font used in headings in the installer?

11-04-2012, 03:54 PM
I'm trying to figure out why I am now seeing an issue with the font size on the Welcome screen of my installer. This is happening on one machine that I know of, which happens to be my laptop that I recently did a system restore from the recovery partition on. I'm not sure if I accidentally made a change to something in my system that has caused the header to wrap around and be unreadable.

At first I thought perhaps it was something that I needed to change in my own installer, but today I was installing the latest version of DMC, and the same thing is happening that setup program.

I've attached a picture of my welcome screen so you can better understand what I'm asking about. Is this something that you've seen before? Or know what I need to do to fix it and prevent it from happening to a user?


11-05-2012, 01:43 AM
Hi Lisa,

No, I have never seen before.

The installer makes use of the DS_SETFONT dialog box style. If possible, the Windows system selects a font according to the specified font data (MS Shell Dlg). The system passes a handle to the font to the dialog box and to each control by sending them the WM_SETFONT message.

The Heading Text control (in your case, text: "Welcome to the [PRODUCTNAME] Setup Wizard.") is always set as Font Verdana Size 13. See attached screenshot. On your machine, Verdana 13 displays as Verdana 15 (? not sure here).

From the installer application site, you can't do much if the requested Font (size) is not available.
