View Full Version : Feature Request - Indenting source code

11-08-2012, 05:23 AM
I wish for the next version!

---- Source Code Indentation -----

this example:



Dirk Büchel

11-08-2012, 05:23 AM
Thank you for your suggestion, Dirk!


11-09-2012, 01:40 AM
Hmmm... That may take some getting used to, but its appealing. The one
thing I can't get over is the excessive white space. Why indent 4
spaces when 2 is enough to do the job? I don't think SB7 is afflicted
by this <g>.

I would also like to add that some color syntax would be nice. I'd like
to see runtime variables in one color, compiler variables in another.
Also attributes of your functions (like "(Always install)", [Permanent],
[Skip], etc)

Compiler functions in one color, install functions in another.


Russ Eggen
RADFusion International, LLC

11-09-2012, 04:13 AM
I'm sending you a picture. Why better indenting source code for me is


Dirk Büchel

11-09-2012, 07:44 AM
Don't get me wrong, I love indenting, just not in excess. Makes it just
as hard to read in my opinion.


Russ Eggen
RADFusion International, LLC

11-09-2012, 12:48 PM
> Don't get me wrong, I love indenting, just not in excess. Makes it just
> as hard to read in my opinion.

Then we should find for us the most optimal.


Dirk Büchel

03-27-2013, 03:12 AM
> I wish for the next version!
> ---- Source Code Indentation -----
> this example:
> http://www.hersto.com/SwEngineering/Indentation/
> ;)

Pity that this feature did not make it into the new version.

Dirk Büchel

03-27-2013, 03:28 AM
> Pity that this feature did not make it into the new version.

With so many SB users and feature requests on a daily basis, adding new, or
changing existing functionality is a priority-driven processes. If we
receive multiple requests for the same feature then chances are that it
might get a higher development priority. One (1) request for this feature
was simply not enough :-(

Under the hood, there are more than 2,500 modifications in SB8.

We'll keep your feature request on the list and perhaps in a future release
we may address it.


Friedrich Linder

--Helping You Build Better Installations
--SetupBuilder "point. click. ship"
--Create Windows 8 ready installations in minutes
--Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

03-27-2013, 08:40 AM
I'd like to see this too, but I consider it low priority as this is
something only for the SB developer.


Russ Eggen
RADFusion International, LLC

03-27-2013, 08:40 AM
Hi Russ,

> I'd like to see this too, but I consider it low priority as this is
> something only for the SB developer.

Yes, I agree. I like it, too. But I had to prioritize the enhancement
requests. It was not a trivial task to add support for Windows 8 / Windows
Server 2012 and still provide backward compatibility to good old Windows 9.x
and NT/2000. <g>
