View Full Version : Setting the Path environment with SetupBuilder

11-14-2012, 02:29 AM
Hi All,

For our application, we use SetupBulder to compile a setup.exe, to distribute to our 2000
We let SetupBuilder alter the Path in the system environment.

When I inspect the Path in the system enviroment, I can see it is altered by SetupBuilder.
However with some of our customers, when I open a DOS box and enter Path at the prompt, it gives
me the old path!?!?!
This problem can be solved by restarting the PC.

What I don't understand is that with 80%-90% of our customers, a restart isn't nessecary - the
path is correct in the DOS box.
With only a handfull, I need to restart the PC - why?
All systems are equal and run XP


11-14-2012, 02:31 AM

You might want to repost this in the SetupBuilder NG.

> All systems are equal and run XP

Are all users equal?

Lee White

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11-14-2012, 02:32 AM
Hi Lee,

> You might want to repost this in the SetupBuilder NG.
I don't subscribe to that ng (I have no problems with SB<g>), hence I posted here.

>> All systems are equal and run XP
Equal as in 'comparable'

> Are all users equal?
Most systems are brought up with the same image.
I haven't found a pattern for the PC's that don't and those that do.
On the next occasion (the customer must report the problem as this is an automated system) I'll
check if any changes were made in the user's profiles.


11-14-2012, 02:32 AM
That's with a new command prompt window?

Jeff Slarve
I'll search help files & Google for you.

11-14-2012, 02:33 AM
Hi Jeff,

> That's with a new command prompt window?
Of course, else it would not inherit the (new) system environment.


11-14-2012, 02:34 AM
My guess is that the setup.exe is running with Admin rights and the normal user is not
in the admin group. So, you are altering the Admin Path and that does not affect the
User's Path which is probably inherited from the Admin settings at startup, or even
logoff-log back in.

How to fix? Don't know, sorry


11-14-2012, 02:35 AM
Hi John,

> My guess is that the setup.exe is running with Admin rights and the normal user is not
> in the admin group. So, you are altering the Admin Path and that does not affect the
> User's Path which is probably inherited from the Admin settings at startup, or even
> logoff-log back in.
You might be right but I thought that rights are not so tight on XP.
It's something to check anyway.

> How to fix? Don't know, sorry
Restart the PC, easy<g>
But when it happens to only 10% of our customers then we'll still get 200 unneccesay support
