View Full Version : SB 7.7 - Cancel Process

11-21-2012, 02:32 AM
I have a project that downloads and unzips a 3GB file. The download
takes hours. I am using 7-Zip with Run Program to unzip, this takes a
long time also. Once unzipped, I move the 8 files (80 GB) from folder A
to folder B, again takes a lot of time. During the donwload, the run
program, and the move process, can I enable the "Cancel" button so the
customer can stop if needed, or how do I allow the customer to stop the


Darrel (Dee) Witham
Professional Data Services, Inc

11-21-2012, 02:32 AM
Hi Darrel,

7-Zip allows you to split zip files up into volumes (it's in the Add to
Archive window 'Split to volumes, bytes' entry field.
That may be an option for the download part, split it up into manageable
chunks and allow the user the opportunity to abort between chunks.


11-21-2012, 02:33 AM

> I have a project that downloads and unzips a 3GB file. The download
> takes hours. I am using 7-Zip with Run Program to unzip, this takes a
> long time also. Once unzipped, I move the 8 files (80 GB) from folder
> A to folder B, again takes a lot of time. During the donwload, the run
> program, and the move process, can I enable the "Cancel" button so the
> customer can stop if needed, or how do I allow the customer to stop the
> process?

The standard disabled "Cancel" button on the Progress Bar dialog tells the
user that it is not possible to "abort" the currently running installation

For example, if you wait for a running program (7-Zip) then you can't stop
such a process (because the "wait" operation causes the installer to be
suspended until the external program has finished).
