View Full Version : Disappearing strings in Custom Dialog

Tom H.
11-28-2012, 06:06 PM

This is something that has gotten me multiple time in the past, where I would be working in a custom dialog in the IDE and would suddenly have a string disappear. Using 'Exit without saving' would not fix the problem -- the string would be gone from the dialog, but the control count in the SB7 window title would still show it as existing. Sometimes I would get an error message about invalid controls or some such when re-entering the dialog, but there was never any way to get the field back.

Now I finally figured out how to reproduce it using the latest SB7.7.

1) Put a couple of string controls on the custom dialog (see image 1.)

2) Select a handle and re-size a control, then click on the same re-size handle again. Poof, no more string.

If you are lucky, you see the tiny blue dot in the top left corner before you click on anything else (see image 2.) That's the control, shrunken to nothing and moved to the corner. You can re-size it to get it back *IF* you don't click on anything else first. If you do, the control is now inaccessible. Clicking in the top left where the blue dot/handle was does not enable you to select it again.

Please let me know if you need any more information.


11-29-2012, 04:47 AM
Hi Tom,

Bingo! I ran into this a couple of times, but could not reproduce it at will. Thanks to your detailed description, I was able to replicate it now!

Item in review. Thank you so much!


11-29-2012, 10:44 AM
Hi Tom,

Fixed now, thank you! This was a long-standing bug.

FIX : [SB#2-11291] IDE: Possible "disappearing control" issue in the Custom Wizard Dialog Editor (caused by a bug in the re-size handle).


Tom H.
11-29-2012, 10:56 AM
My pleasure -- glad to see this annoying little bugger stomped out!:)


11-29-2012, 11:45 AM
