View Full Version : UAC-compatibility question (Wise 9)

12-21-2012, 03:02 AM
Today, we received the following question:

> On the UAC/Mapped Drives issue described here:
> http://www.lindersoft.com/forums/showthread.php?t=31410
> Why is SetupBuilder like this but Wise Installer 9 never gave me that
> problem? Why does SetupBuilder have to run "Elevated"?

The answer is simple. The SetupBuilder Installation System is an
UAC-compliant system. SetupBuilder installations request (by default)
administrator execution level privileges to run the setup elevated because
this is the only possible (and correct) way to install Windows applications
machine-wide. It is impossible to install an application "per-machine" if
the installer is not running elevated.

Wise Installer 9 is neither UAC-aware nor Vista+ compliant. Because a
"legacy" installation does not know anything at all about Vista, Windows
2008, Windows 7, Windows 2008 R2, Windows 8, Windows 2012, "Virtualization"
kicks in and redirects all write attempts to some protected locations to a
per-user store. This includes "Program Files", Windows system locations and
parts of the registry (e.g. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE).

For example:

c:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Pro gram Files\

The above virtualized directory is a hidden folder.

Of course, this will result in a support nightmare.

A legacy Wise 9 install runs non-elevated and if a drive was mapped in a
non-elevated context, Wise 9 can "see" that drive. But this is irrelevant
because it can't install the application per-machine.


Friedrich Linder

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