View Full Version : Running install twice

12-30-2012, 05:17 AM
I have modified all of my setup files. Some, not all, will actually run the
install code before the welcome dialog and other options. The install part
is not being run twice, the events are just out of order.

Not sure what to look for. I would be thankful for any help.


12-30-2012, 05:17 AM
Actually the install is not running twice but is not in the right place. The
installation will run when the install starts. Then the welcome etc.


12-30-2012, 05:18 AM

> Actually the install is not running twice but is not in the right place.
> The installation will run when the install starts. Then the welcome etc.

IMO, you have deleted the first Loop Wizard that controls the Welcome,
Select Install, etc. dialogs. As a result, it begins the installation
process and displays the Welcome, etc. dialogs as part of the Finish wizard

Hope this helps.


12-30-2012, 05:19 AM
Thanks, that was exactly what I did wrong, Looking at one that functioned I
was able to see the problem and fix it. Your response is what set me in the
right direction. Great service. BTW don't you take any time off? It is


12-30-2012, 05:19 AM
> Thanks, that was exactly what I did wrong, Looking at one that functioned I
> was able to see the problem and fix it. Your response is what set me in the
> right direction. Great service. BTW don't you take any time off? It is
> Saturday.

Hi Bob,

I see Friedrich, as always, quick to response, and usually solve fairly
quickly as well!

The Script Editor IS your best friend (THAT and a ton of other features!) -
use it often, if for nothing more than viewing the "correct" order of
events, so we can easily "fix our own mistakes"! :-)

PLUS, when we want to do custom modifications - it's a GREAT learning tool
for how to do it right when the code we are looking at IS from Lindersoft -
like the example files - DIG into the script editor with example SB7's -

might inspire you to go back and learn and re-learn basic Setup Tool
principles as I did for probably the last release of Product Scope 7.9 - a
7.9.2 release - where I use detect active apps to good advantage during
installs and web updates - also a small Install Product Scope 7 User Data
SB7 EXE to properly setup each user account.

And, of course, with Product Scope 8's soon release - "practicing" on
Product Scope 7.9 for better install and user data methods will certainly
give - Product Scope 8 - a much better "first impression".

Bottomline, SetupBuilder Developer NEVER ceases to amaze!


From David Troxell - Product Scope 8 (Soon!) - Encourager Software
Email - mailto:pe_Remove_@_Me_encouragersoftware.com

12-31-2012, 06:39 AM
> BTW don't you take any time off? It is Saturday.

I work around the clock because I have a 8-year-old daughter. I need the
money <bg>


01-01-2013, 05:56 AM
Ponies are expensive <g>


Russ Eggen
RADFusion International, LLC

01-01-2013, 05:56 AM
> I work around the clock because I have a 8-year-old daughter. I need the
> money <bg>

Somebody has to buy hay and feed for the horse (I figure we've outgrown the
pony by now)<g>



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