09-25-2007, 01:35 AM
I was adding a "Run Program" line. The program was "cmd.exe", and the
command line was:
/c for %1 in (st_*.gid) do if exist "%DIRBIN0%\%1" del "%DIRBIN0%\%1"
I got a compiler error regarding this *variable* not being previously
%1 in (st_*.gid) do if exist "%
I would have expected that the inclusion of so many
non-variable-name-characters between the two parentheses would cause
SB to recognize that it wasn't really a variable name. <g>
Anyway, I worked around it by creating another variable called
%DELPARM%, and then I replaced the three occurrances of %1 with that.
Mike Hanson
I was adding a "Run Program" line. The program was "cmd.exe", and the
command line was:
/c for %1 in (st_*.gid) do if exist "%DIRBIN0%\%1" del "%DIRBIN0%\%1"
I got a compiler error regarding this *variable* not being previously
%1 in (st_*.gid) do if exist "%
I would have expected that the inclusion of so many
non-variable-name-characters between the two parentheses would cause
SB to recognize that it wasn't really a variable name. <g>
Anyway, I worked around it by creating another variable called
%DELPARM%, and then I replaced the three occurrances of %1 with that.
Mike Hanson