View Full Version : Verifying an Uninstall.....

01-12-2013, 03:24 AM
Has anyone done this?

I rarely get asked for a refund on my software products. With certain
people I know I'm being scammed.

I do not use subscriptions. I use Secwin to license the product.
I know I could send them a new activation code that basically disables
the product but I can't guarantee they would use it.

I have been using the standard uninstall.

What I'd like to do is:

1. Have the user uninstall and either send me a message
2. Delete files that were NOT installed by the installer (like the setup).
3. Add a registry entry to indicate the product was unlicensed

Anyone done something like this?


01-12-2013, 03:25 AM

This is what I do; a modification of the uninstall script (means
Friedrich is not responsible and he won't support it <g>).

If %_SB_INSTALLERFLAG% Does Not Equal "1" on Position
Display Message Box "#UNINST_CONFIRM#" -- "#UNINST_HEADING#"
Set Variable %_SB_RETURN% to "$IDYES$"

If %_SB_RETURN% Equals "$IDYES$" Then
! --- Process uninstall queue ---
Display Message Box "Do you wish to remove the live data files
created ..." -- "Uninstall Live Data?"
If %_SB_RETURN% Equals "$IDYES$" Then
Display Message Box "Are you sure you want to PERMANTLY remove
your dat..." -- "Are You Sure?"
If %_SB_RETURN% Equals "$IDYES$" Then
Set Variable %DATADIR% to FUNCTION:Get Registry Key
Value("DataPath") from "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\FusionHR"
If %DATADIR% File or Folder exists Then
Delete Files "%DATADIR%\*.tps" [Remove read-only]
Delete Files "%DATADIR%\*.fhr" [Remove read-only]
Delete Tree "%DATADIR%"
Process Uninstall Queue
Run Program http://www.radfusion.com/UninstallFusionHR.asp (Always

If %_SB_ERRORCODE% Equals "0" And %_SB_INSTALLERFLAG% Does Not Equal
"1" on Position "1" Then
Display Message Box "#UNINST_FINISH#" -- "#UNINST_HEADING#"

The key point to consider is that the script takes you to a blind page
on my web site (this is the only way to get to it) and asks why you
uninstalled. Even if they just close the browser, too late. I've got
code in there that counts how many hits on that page. So I always know.


Russ Eggen
RADFusion International, LLC

01-12-2013, 03:26 AM
Thanks - I'll give that a try....

Paul MacFarlane