View Full Version : Problem installing signtool.exe from the SDK

02-04-2013, 09:31 AM

For many years I have been using signcode.exe without finding it too much a

Now when I was about to purchase a new 3 year Comoco certificate I wanted to
give it a try using signtool.exe

But I cannot install the SDK. Have followed the instructions from
Lindersoft forum (and Encourager Software Dev tips) but the install never
completes but stops with an error message and refers to an information
html-page located on the PC that is simply not there.

Anybody seen this before ?

This is a Win-7 / 64-bit box.


02-04-2013, 11:36 AM

> But I cannot install the SDK. Have followed the instructions from
> Lindersoft forum (and Encourager Software Dev tips) but the install
> never completes but stops with an error message and refers to an
> information html-page located on the PC that is simply not there.
> Anybody seen this before ?
> This is a Win-7 / 64-bit box.

What error message does the Microsoft SDK installer report?


02-04-2013, 11:38 AM
Hi Friedrich,

Well it does not say. At least directly.
See attached screenshot.

I can open the logfile (attached in the zip-file).

from the first 576 lines in the log it seems it installs Ok:
Line 576:
MSI (s) (4C:E4) [17:11:55:068]: Product: Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7
(7.1) -- Installation completed successfully.

Then immediately it seems to fail and starts uninstalling:
MSI (s) (4C:E4) [17:11:55:068]: Windows Installer har installeret produktet.
Produktnavn: Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 (7.1). Produktversion:
7.1.30514. Produktsprog: 1033. Producent: Microsoft Corporation.
Installationen lykkedes eller fejlstatus: 0.

=== Logging started: 04-02-2013 17:11:58 ===
Action start 17:11:58: INSTALL.
Action start 17:11:58: DDSE_CA_Uninstall_InstallExecuteSequenceStarts_amd 64.
02/04/13 17:11:58 DDSet_Status: LANGID: 1033
02/04/13 17:11:58 DDSet_Entry: ImmediateDispatch:
DDSE_CA_Uninstall_InstallExecuteSequenceStarts entry
02/04/13 17:11:58 DDSet_Error: Patch Hooks: Missing required property
'ProductFamily': Setup cannot continue.
02/04/13 17:11:58 DDSet_Warning: Setup failed while calling 'getDLLName'.
System error: 0xb7

Carries on like that for about another 500 lines.

Gibberish to me....


02-04-2013, 11:38 AM
Sorry - should have compressed the JPG image much more.


02-04-2013, 11:38 AM

MSI..... <g>

If you Google for "Patch Hooks: Missing required property" then you'll find
quite a few similar messages.

From a workaround:

"Had a similar problem which turned out to be that the SDK 7.1 does NOT
install if you have a newer vcredist_x86.exe than version 10.0.30319 of
Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable... I had 10.0.30419 installed... removed
it through control panel "remove programs" and then the SDK 7.1 installed.

Quite a bug in my book if a newer runtime library stops installation of an
SDK... Should be a notion in the prerequisites."

Perhaps this also causes it on your machine.


02-05-2013, 02:17 AM
Thanks Friedrich,

As usual: spot on.

You got to talk to that big company about getting a proper installer :-)


02-05-2013, 02:17 AM
> Thanks Friedrich,
> As usual: spot on.
> You got to talk to that big company about getting a proper installer :-)

<G> ;-)
