View Full Version : Installer (elevated perms) working on some machines, not on others

02-20-2013, 08:40 PM
Hi Friedrich + Team,

I've got an installer that has been working great (http://ballikin.com/download).

It seems to install on most machines okay.

But on my two machines I work on (both of which have Clarion on them) installing the program doesn't give it the proper permissions (so I get asked to run as Admin, otherwise if I don't bad things happen, like Cryptonite having trouble accessing files).

The paths for the dlls are in the exe directory, so I wouldn't think there's a problem with having Clarion on the computer.

Perhaps that's a red herring.

Would you be able to give the install a go and see if it's got issues?

02-21-2013, 01:09 AM
Hi Stu,

You did not mention the operating system.

-- On UAC-aware Operating Systems (Windows 8, Windows 7, etc.):

Your installer is "requireAdministrator" manifested and so Windows displays the elevation prompt on UAC-aware systems when the UAC feature is enabled. The only problem is that you have not code-signed the install so based on Group Policy settings it's possible that it does not start at all. The elevation prompt is displayed when you are logged in as Admin or Standard User (over-the-shoulder elevation). Windows does not show the elevation prompt if UAC is disabled.

-- On non-UAC-aware Operating Systems (XP, 2000, etc.):

On pre-Vista machines you have to be an Admin to install machine-wide (or to handle tasks that require Admin permissions). Limited Users do not have machine-wide write permissions. So the Limited User has to log-off, the Admin has to log-in and do the installation.

In other words, it does not have anything to do with an installed Clarion version nor with your installer per-se :-)


02-21-2013, 01:17 AM
Hi Friedrich,

Thanks for the reply.

Windows 7 and Windows 8 were the two operating systems.

Windows 8 worked fine.

Windows 7 (my two dev machines) displayed the issue.

** I've definitely code-signed in the installer (not through Clarion). You showed me how to do it a while back in the installer, unless I'm thinking of something else.

And the level should be AsInvoker, again unless I'm missing something.

I'll go back and check over the Installer, will reply back with findings.

02-21-2013, 01:26 AM

The "Ballikin-Install.exe" setup I downloaded is NOT code-signed. The installer is "requireAdministrator" manifested (correct!) and so Windows displays an elevation prompt when you launch it (and UAC is enabled).

Your own application should only be "asInvoker" manifested. So if you are doing this then it's correct (I did not check this).

BTW, your install works fine here on all Windows 7 x64 machines (Windows displays the elevation prompt and your app started without any problem).


02-21-2013, 01:39 AM

I checked this and your install is NOT code-signed.

ballikin.exe ("asInvoker" manifested) and the distributed DLLs are NOT code-signed.

Are you sure that you have uploaded the correct installer? I downloaded version


02-21-2013, 01:47 AM
Hi Friedrich,

Ahhh okay. I'm not on the machine with the installer at the moment.

Was confused.

It was the MANIFEST that you showed me a couple of months back. The Installer does the Manifest, rather than Clarion.

Right. Yeah. I haven't Code-Signed at all, no. Don't have a certificate at the moment.

So if the Installer elevated right and the exe ran okay for you, then perhaps it's just my machines. Will do some more digging.


02-21-2013, 01:54 AM
Hi Stu,

Please keep us posted :)
