View Full Version : SetupBuilder 8.0 Build 3981 (Release Candidate) Announcement

03-03-2013, 04:47 AM
SetupBuilder 8.0 Build 3981 (Release Candidate) Announcement

We're excited to announce the release candidate of SetupBuilder 8.0 Build
3981 (RC).

This is a candidate release for the Gold version of SetupBuilder 8.0. We
continue testing and fixing problems, as we move towards final release. The
documentation is still under development.

Listening to our partners and customers has been fundamental to the
development of SetupBuilder 8. They have told us what they need to make
software distribution work for them, and we have incorporated that into
Version 8.

The purpose of the Release Candidate is to solicit one last round of testing
before the final release. So please test this release as much as possible.

Thank you for all of the great suggestions, bug reports, and for using

SetupBuilder 8 is available, free of charge, to all SetupBuilder customers
who have an active SetupBuilder maintenance subscription plan. If you do
not have an active subscription plan, please contact your account manager at

We're sending out SetupBuilder 8 (RC) notifications. If you have a valid
SetupBuilder subscription, you will receive the login and subscription key
within the next 24 hours.

SetupBuilder 8.0 Build 3981 (March 03, 2013)

FEATURE : Add support for the Windows 8 tile-based Start Screen. The "Not
pinned to the Win8 Start Screen" Shortcut option lets you
prevent the desktop app's tile from being automatically pinned
as a shortcut to the Start Screen when it is installed for the
first time.

FEATURE : Support an enhanced stub loader technology to ensure that the
SetupBuilder produced .EXE applications have been built in
compliance with Microsoft's Security Development Lifecycle
(SDL) requirements and recommendations. The new stub loader is
compatible with the Windows Data Execution Prevention feature,
has Safe Exception Handlers and can be randomly rebased at
load time by using the address space layout randomization
(ASLR) feature of Windows Vista+. As a result, SetupBuilder 8
produced installation and uninstall files, the standard Web
Update clients and helper tools no longer give Windows 8
'Desktop App' Windows App Certification warnings. The loader
technology is backward compatible with Windows 9.x, NT4 and ME.

FEATURE : Add support for "Firewall with Advanced Security" on computers
that are running Windows Vista and later versions of Windows,
including Windows 8. On Vista and above, SetupBuilder can
support the three network location types: domain, public, and

FEATURE : IDE: Add a new "#config Win32 PE header..." compiler directive
that can help to make your own application Windows 8 compliant
and work around 'NXCheck', 'DBCheck' and 'SafeSEHCheck' check
BinScope Binary Analyzer errors. If you can't apply the
required SAFESEH, DYNAMICBASE, and NXCOMPAT options when you
compile and link your application or 3rd-party components
(because your compiler does not support it or you do not have
access to the 3rd-party source code) then you can try to work
around this with this new option (non-code-signed files only).

FEATURE : Add "Set Feature State..." script function to programmatically
enable or disable a Feature.

FEATURE : Add a 64-bit cross-process communication mechanism to support
enhanced native 64-bit functionality on x64 systems. Planned
additional native 64-bit features for upcoming SB releases:

FEATURE : Native 64-bit support for "Detect Active Application..." and
"Terminate Active Application..." to handle Win64 applications
on x64 systems.

FEATURE : Add an experimental "User Account..." script function. It lets
you add a user to a machine. This function will be enhanced in
future builds.

IMPROVEMENT: Add a "Destination Filename" entry option to the "Install
File(s)..." script function to specify the name the file will
have on the destination computer. wildcard characters, such as
"*", are not permitted.

IMPROVEMENT: Add HScroll and VScroll checkbox options to the Custom Dialog
'Edit' control. This lets you add a horizontal and/or vertical
scroll bar to the control.

IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add "Save full path info" option to the "Zip File(s)..."
script function.

IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add "UAC Compliant" and "Per User" checkbox options to
the "#exe2msi..." compiler directive.

IMPROVEMENT: IDE: All relevant internal functions recognize Windows 8.

IMPROVEMENT: IDE: "#pragma SETUPICON" can detect a missing or locked icon
source file.

IMPROVEMENT: Add "Archive Integrity Checking" technology to the "Custom (for
UAC-aware systems)" Media Type Generator Setting with single
.bin volume.

IMPROVEMENT: [SB#2-11293] IDE: Add a "Resize" checkbox option to the
"Picture Control Properties" (Dialog Editor). This lets
Windows dynamically resize the bitmap. Based on the selected
DPI at installer runtime, the bitmap is stretched or shrunk.

IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add a "Transparent" checkbox option to the "Check Box
Control Properties" (Dialog Editor).

IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add a "Transparent" checkbox option to the "Radio Button
Control Properties" (Dialog Editor).

IMPROVEMENT: [SB#3-01181] Add "Gregorian Day" option to the "Handle String
Operation..." script function. It returns a date string
(yyyymmdd) from Source String that has been converted from
Julian Day.

IMPROVEMENT: Add "Remove" option to the "Handle String Operation..." script
function. Returns a copy of Source String in which X characters
have been removed. If X is not found in Source String, Source
String is returned unchanged.

IMPROVEMENT: Installer: The "If" Statement (Less Than, Less Than or Equal,
Greater Than and Greater Than or Equal conditions) support
64-bit integer values now.

IMPROVEMENT: Installer: Add "shutdown guard" capability. Give the installer/
uninstaller a lower-than-default shutdown priority so that if
for some reason a shutdown is initiated while the SetupBuilder
app is running, Windows shouldn't try to kill it.

IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add CODESIGN_DELAY #pragma to set the delay (in number of
seconds) between each timestamp trial. Defaults to 5. Note:
SignCode.exe tool only.

IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add CODESIGN_TSTRIALS #pragma to set the maximum number
of timestamp trials until success; defaults to 5. Note:
SignCode.exe tool only.

IMPROVEMENT: IDE: Add a self-elevating process to the "Help | Maintenance
Plan..." renewal feature on UAC-aware operating systems.

IMPROVEMENT: Installer: If you change Status Text #2 programmatically in
the "Progress Dialog: Status Text..." function then you
disable the "auto" update functionality of the standard
file name progress bar status text. You can re-enable it by
sending an empty status text to the Status Text #2 ID.

IMPROVEMENT: Add "Check Child nodes when Parent marked" option to the
Feature Properties.

IMPROVEMENT: [SB#2-10231] IDE: "The Value" entry fields in the "If..." and
"ElseIf..." Statements support leading spaces now. This can
be used to detect spaces in text. Because the Clarion entry
and text controls do not support leading spaces, we have
replaced "The Value" text controls with native Windows edit

FIX : [SB#2-08201] IDE: Script Editor display issue in the "Handle
String Operation (Format Number)" script function.

FIX : [SB#2-08201] IDE: Script Editor display issue in the "Handle
String Operation (Count)" script function.

FIX : IDE: Entry field issue in the "Handle String Operation (Extract
Root Folder)" properties dialog.

FIX : IDE: Entry field issue in the "Handle String Operation (Reverse
String)" properties dialog.

FIX : Installer: Minor internal function prototype corrections.

FIX : [SB#2-11061] Installer: The "Download File (HTTP)..." script
function went into an endless loop when the "Target Folder" did
not exist. The function creates the target folder now. If this
fails, it returns error code 2381.

FIX : [SB#2-11281] IDE: Typo in the "Config ODBC Data Source..."
script function dialog box.

FIX : [SB#2-11291] IDE: Possible "disappearing control" issue in the
Custom Wizard Dialog Editor (caused by a bug in the re-size

FIX : [SB#2-11292] IDE: The "Resize" checkbox text in the Picture
Control Properties (Dialog Editor) was incorrect. Text changed
to "Hide".

FIX : IDE: Possible "Edit in Place" (EIP) issue in the "Registry

FIX : Installer: Possible "List Box Control" initialization problem
in Custom Wizard Dialogs.

FIX : IDE: The "Service Name" entry field in the "Edit Service..."
properties did not support <Ctrl>+<Right Mouse Button> to open
the Variable List dialog.

FIX : [SB#2-11071] IDE: Under certain circumstances, the popup menu
via right click (in the white space below the files) in the
"Files and Folders" Visualizer (lower right window) was

FIX: Installer: The "Static Text Control" in a Custom Wizard Dialog
did not handle the "Transparent" option.

CHANGE : IDE: Revamped 'Pick' dialog.

CHANGE : IDE: Revamped 'About...' dialog.

CHANGE : Installer: Minor "event logging mode" modifications.

CHANGE : Installer: Error message box for "Can't create WDFrame" is not
displayed in silent mode any longer. The message box uses the
"MB_SETFOREGROUND | MB_TOPMOST" flags to try to bring it to the

CHANGE : [SB#2-11081] IDE: The "Select Text Resource" (a control that
accepts localizable text has a button beneath it labeled "ID=")
to insert a text resource into an entry field does not
overwrite clipboard data.

CHANGE : [SB#2-11071] Installer: When all defined wizard dialogs are set
to "hidden", the "Loop Wizard" Statement is skipped and no
longer displays an empty wizard.

CHANGE : [SB#2-11131] Installer: Permanent workaround for a Windows API
GetOpenFileName bug on 64-bit Vista and 64-bit Windows 2008
(confirmed by Microsoft) in the "Select File" wizard dialog.

CHANGE : The Edit Control in Custom Wizard Dialogs can store up to 10KB
of data (increased from 1KB).

CHANGE : Installer: The runtime disables DPI magnification during
program initialization under Vista and above. It disables the
"fake" DPI results (Windows "race condition") and the built in

CHANGE : IDE: Minor internal system modifications.

CHANGE : IDE: The default delay between each code-signing timestamp
trial increased from 0 to 3 seconds. Note: SignCode.exe tool

CHANGE : IDE: The default maximum number of timestamp trials until
success increased from 1 to 5. Note: SignCode.exe tool only.

CHANGE : IDE: Under certain circumstances, customers with "ESET security
solutions" installed (e.g. NOD32) sometimes get a "Fatal
Compiler Error: GEN1094: Cannot inject stub loader entrypoint:
Para1: C:\yada\yada.exe Para2: 91648 Para3: 6664" error during
the setup compilation process. This is caused by a
(false-positive) bug in ESET products. We have added an
additional compiler text: 'Note: If you are using an ESET
product and you see this error message, please contact ESET
Customer Care and refer to #TICKET 83977'.

CHANGE : Installer: Internal modifications to the background mix mode
handling of Radio Button, Check Box, Group Box and Animated
controls on different Windows operating systems.

CHANGE : Recompiled wupdate.exe Web Update client.

CHANGE : Recompiled wucheck.exe Web Update Check client.

CHANGE : Updated online help (CHM and PDF).

REGRESSION : [SB#2-12311] Installer: Under certain circumstances, the
"Installer Integrity Check" function did not work as expected
(SB8 Preview only).

REGRESSION : Installer: The recompiled (with VS2012 RTM) GAC module for
assemblies targeting the .NET 4.0 and .NET 4.5 Frameworks
did not work on all Windows versions. Rollback to the previous

KNOWNISSUE : [SB#2-11071] IDE: Under certain circumstances, there is a
difference in the flow of execution between the RUN and DEBUG
session version.

KNOWNISSUE : IDE: Issue with the debugger caused by a threading problem.


Best regards,

Friedrich Linder

--Helping You Build Better Installations
--SetupBuilder "point. click. ship"
--Create Windows 8 ready installations in minutes
--Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner