View Full Version : When is Admin not Admin enough?

04-04-2013, 05:26 AM
Hello all,

what made me wonder about the JAVA-Installer / -Updater from Oracle was, that
it always failed when I tried to update.

The reason seems to be that I am logged in as a user and even running this
updater "as Administrator" does not help.

Then I recalled Friedrich telling about "as Admin" is not the same as "Admin".

From what I see with my own installs, there seems to be no problem.

But the question is indeed: When is an Admin a real Admin?

What are the conditions, when Do I have to be concerned, and - most important -
can I have influence on that and how?

The last question is meant as "can I detect an unsufficient situation and can I
alert the user"? And how do I do that?

Maybe Friedrich has a How-To already published, but I have not found it so far.


04-04-2013, 05:26 AM

When your installer is manifested as "requireAdministrator" (the default)
then the application will request administrator execution level privileges.
That's all you need.

Being an Admin means nothing in the modern UAC-world. That's why even an
Admin has to request administrator execution level privileges.


04-04-2013, 05:27 AM

that means "run as Administrator" is les than when a program runs under

In both cases I have to type the admin passwort into the dialogbox......

Summary: you say that, as long as I have set "requireAdministrator" in my
SB-script, I do not have to worry....., right?

Someone then should tell Oracle to switch to SetupBuilder!

Wolfgang Orth

04-04-2013, 09:35 AM
Hi Wolfgang,

> Summary: you say that, as long as I have set "requireAdministrator" in my
> SB-script, I do not have to worry....., right?
> Someone then should tell Oracle to switch to SetupBuilder!

There are a LOT of companies that should switch to SetupBuilder;) Lately I
have been testing out a lot of different software and while it's not
uncommon for installers of open source projects not to be code signed there
is a frightening number of commercial applications (some quite expensive)
that are not codesigned and the odd one that is not even manifested.

Best regards,

ArnĂ³r Baldvinsson - Icetips Alta LLC
Port Angeles, Washington
www.icetips.com - www.buildautomator.com - www.altawebworks.com
Icetips product subscriptions at http://www.icetips.com/subscribe.php

04-04-2013, 09:36 AM
You don't like weird installs?<g>

Installing the Oracle client was probably my worst install experience.

>Someone then should tell Oracle to switch to SetupBuilder!

Jeff Slarve
I'll search help files & Google for you.

04-04-2013, 09:36 AM

Several different things come to mind. I don't know how the JAVA-Installer
/ -Updater from Oracle is manifested. But if an installer is not
(correctly) UAC manifested and it requires a reboot/re-launch to continue
the installation process, then it's very well possible that the installer
does not execute elevated. Or if the installer does some "per-user" tasks
from an elevated running app. This might also cause problems.

From the technical point-of-view, it does not make a difference whether a
process was elevated via the manifest or by choosing "Run as Administrator".
The only minor difference is that starting an executable using the "Run as
Administrator" option means that ShellExecute bypasses the checks for
compatibility settings, application manifests etc. and directly requests


04-04-2013, 01:09 PM

> You don't like weird installs?<g>

My bad!!!

Lee White

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04-04-2013, 01:10 PM
Well Oracle's are weird on purpose.<g>

Has a 1995-looking java UI. At least it did, when I installed it a few
years back.

Jeff Slarve
I'll search help files & Google for you.

04-04-2013, 01:10 PM

> Well Oracle's are weird on purpose.<g>

Ok, big difference there!<g>

Lee White

RPM Report Viewer.: http://www.cwaddons.com/products/rpm/
RPM Review........: http://www.clarionmag.com/cmag/v11/v11n06rpm.html
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Product Release & Update Notices

Windows 8 brings us "The Oval, Bumper Car, Roller Coaster of Wait!"

04-04-2013, 11:47 PM
Why don't you like 1995 ????

Jane Fleming

04-04-2013, 11:47 PM
I didn't say I didn't like it.<g>

Jeff Slarve
I'll search help files & Google for you.