View Full Version : Start/Stop service does not show progress message

Allan Greis Eriksen
08-21-2013, 03:57 AM

The "Stop Service" and "Start Service" are working just fine. But the Progress Dialog is not updated with status text showing when it is stopping and starting the service.

I have noted that there are (x)_PROG_ACTION46 and (x)_PROG_ACTION47 Text resources in the Progress/Misc Progress group. So I think this is a bug?

08-21-2013, 04:09 AM

No, this is not a bug. You can display it (if you want) using the "Progress Dialog: Status Text" script function.


Allan Greis Eriksen
08-21-2013, 05:13 AM
Okay I see. but why are the Progress Text messages in the Text resources not for the SB8 runtime to use?

If I understand you correctly I can use this to stop the service

Progress Dialog: Set Status Text #1 to "#PROG_ACTION47#"
Progress Dialog: Set Status Text #2 to "Spawnerservice"
Stop Service "Spawnerservice"
Progress Dialog: Set Status Text #1 to ""
Progress Dialog: Set Status Text #2 to ""

and this to start the service

Progress Dialog: Set Status Text #1 to "#PROG_ACTION46#"
Progress Dialog: Set Status Text #2 to "Spawnerservice"
Start Service "Spawnerservice"
Progress Dialog: Set Status Text #1 to ""
Progress Dialog: Set Status Text #2 to ""

08-21-2013, 05:35 AM
Yes, what you do is correct.

BTW, it would be a very bad idea to let the runtime display all the operations automatically. It would result in a "flicker nightmare". Quite a few developers have to replace files, install files, check services, stop services, doing the service checks in a LOOP with Sleep delays (to be on the safe side), etc. from the script. Sometimes the operations take 1/10 second, sometimes longer. So if you would like to display a progress text for an operation that might take some time you can display it programmatically. Otherwise, it's not worth it to display the text at all.
