View Full Version : Vista and UAC

10-14-2007, 02:16 PM
With HUGE thanks to Jane Fleming, I have identified a Vista issue but am a
little lost as to the cause.

Basically, I have provided an install script with what I believe to be the
"normal" Vista settings and of course included a manifest in my program
(provided by SB). I am also using a 3rd party template to read a registry
key which Jane believes is probably requesting write access to the registry.
I accept that and will change it.

My confusion arises in that I have not had any reports of this anywhere else
and this cannot be replicated on our Vista Business machines here in the

Jane quite correctly I am sure has identified the root cause as being the
registry template but why is this happening? I need to find out so I can
test in the office to at least reproduce the problem.

Jane's comment was that if she installs to a Vista Ultimate machine with
default security (UAC etc) then the problem arises. The registry is read and
returns a FALSE value despite the information being there. That will be
caused by the attempted write access by the template. If she right clicks on
the shortcut and uses Run as Administrator then all is fine.

So am I assuming something incorrectly here. I THOUGHT that SB would
eradicate this issue.

Is it all caused by the template and if so, why does it not happen on our
machines here? How can I set up our machines to reproduce this problem?

I hope this makes sense and whilst I accept Jane's arguments I simply want
to know why it is happening so I can reproduce it here and fix it.

And of course a HUGE thanks once again to Jane Fleming.

Many thanks

John Fligg

10-14-2007, 02:18 PM

Have you tried running your setup program as a non-admin user?

Does the name of your setup program contain the word "setup" or "update"? I seem to
recall that this helps the OS run the program with requested Admin rights. I may be
wrong, but I think I read that somewhere.



>Is it all caused by the template and if so, why does it not happen on our
>machines here? How can I set up our machines to reproduce this problem?

10-14-2007, 02:19 PM
Having done some more research I MAY have found the problem. But not sure

My manifest uses "asInvoker" as that was the default and seemed to make
sense. I am "suspecting" that my one client that this happens to has set up
his machine in some non default manner and I need to use "highestAvailable".

The fact that this does not happen on our machines leads me to suspect that

However, to be truthful, as I am not entirely sure what is going on here I
am hopeful that someone can explain how I can set up my Vista machine to
recreate the problem (where I cannot write to the registry) so that I can
make a decision what needs to change and re test.

My client refuses to help having put up the steel doors and accusing me of
blaming him for setting up his machine incorrectly. He insists that it was
how it came out of the box. He is refusing to accept any further upgrades so
I cannot do anything now. Unhelpful to say the least but I am suspicious as
he claims to have had "a computer expert" check over his machine!.


10-14-2007, 02:19 PM
Hi John and John,

I think John F. is running his setup with the default "requireAdministrator"
execution level privilege. The problem is that his application does not
work correctly when not running elevated, right?

Just for the records. SetupBuilder 6 compiles Vista-aware installations and
the words "setup", "update" or "patch", etc. in the installation file name
don't have any effect (because the Vista compatibility assistant does not
kick in for Vista-aware apps).


Friedrich Linder

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 6.6
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

10-14-2007, 02:20 PM
Hi John,

>(provided by SB). I am also using a 3rd party template to read a registry
>key which Jane believes is probably requesting write access to the registry.
>I accept that and will change it.

Just use the GetReg() in C6. I have verified with RegMon that it
open the key in Read-Only mode only and I have had no problems with it
under Vista.

I set up a separate user on my Vista machine that is a "regular user"
i.e. has no extra rights to do anything. That helped me figure out
some issues with installs that ran without problems when logged in
using admin account (which is not the same as right click and select
"Run as admin")

Best regards,

ArnĂ³r Baldvinsson
Icetips Creative, Inc.
San Antonio, Texas, USA

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10-14-2007, 08:20 PM
Ah good stuff Arnor - thanks.

That makes total sense now.

