View Full Version : Add multiple files from the same location

da spud
10-03-2013, 12:09 PM
I have 4 or 5 files to add from the same folder and I want to specify them individually in the Files and Folders visualizer so I can see the details of them.

I have been clicking on the Add plus sign for each one and repeating the same base folder lookup. Is it possible there is an easier way? What about being able to copy an existing line and paste and the paste brings up the details dialog so that things can be changed for this particular instance?:D

10-04-2013, 02:08 AM
Why don't you use drag-and-drop in the "Files and Folders" Visualizer? Or multiple-selections and then simply drag-and-drop -or- use the "Add+" button?

Or switch to the "Script Editor" and then use the "Duplicate" (right-click Install File item) and then duplicate the commands?


da spud
10-04-2013, 02:24 AM
Why don't you use drag-and-drop in the "Files and Folders" Visualizer? Or multiple-selections and then simply drag-and-drop -or- use the "Add+" button?

Or switch to the "Script Editor" and then use the "Duplicate" (right-click Install File item) and then duplicate the commands?

Friedrich:) because I did not know D&D would work?

" -or- use the "Add+" button?" -- I don't see an "Add+" button only a green + and Add that will not accept multiple selection. That is what I was trying, but drag and drop is fine (now that I know it works). I have tried it on other products and not had to be supported so many times that it did not cross my mind to try it here. I should have known better with you Friedrich. :)

10-04-2013, 02:33 AM
<G> :)

BTW, and multiple-selection and then "Add" button (that green + Add button) should also work fine. See attached screenshot :) Just hold <Strg>+<Left Mouse> to select multiple files.


da spud
10-04-2013, 02:58 AM
<G> :)

BTW, and multiple-selection and then "Add" button (that green + Add button) should also work fine. See attached screenshot :) Just hold <Strg>+<Left Mouse> to select multiple files.

FriedrichIs <Strg>+<Left Mouse> what the German keyboard says? I use Ctrl+Left Mouse for that.....

I was not using that Add button, but the one in the panel below it.

Also, I cannot drag and drop from Explorer or Search Everything onto that lower right pane. DnD only works from the pane above. I often use Search Everything to find files and then drag them where they need to go and that does not work with SB.

May I make a suggestion to add drag and drop from explorer onto the lower right pane?

I have what I need for now. Thank you.

10-04-2013, 03:09 AM
I am using my good old Gateway 2000 QWERTY keyboard (15+ years old). It's says <Strg> but yes, it's <Ctrl> on all the new keyboards <g>.

You can only use drag-and-drop in the Visualizer, not from Windows Explorer.


da spud
10-04-2013, 03:31 AM
...You can only use drag-and-drop in the Visualizer, not from Windows Explorer.

FriedrichPlease consider adding DnD support from explorer. Do you use Search Everything? A very powerful and fast way to find files on NTFS disks.

10-04-2013, 08:21 AM
Added. Thank you for your suggestion!


10-04-2013, 01:52 PM
Quick question...."added" in as you added it to your to-do list or "added" as in already in the code for the next maintenance release? It sounds like a handy feature.

10-05-2013, 04:10 AM
Sorry for the confusion! We have added this feature to the upcoming SetupBuilder 8.1. So yes, it will be available in the next maintenance build.
