View Full Version : Several interfaces in one web update

11-05-2013, 09:26 AM

Its so, that i get some complaints about my webupdate.

Super users need to be able to set different items, but 'General
users' should have only one or perhaps two windows to care about.

OK, I could handle it with using two different Web update sets.

But, it woyuld be nice, that if i call it with a 'Superuser'
parameter, i get one set of dialogs, and if i call webupdate with
'Operater', i get another set.

Of cause everything is possible with SetUpBuilde, but i have not
figured out 'How to'

Any who can?

Best regards

Edvard Korsbæk

11-05-2013, 09:26 AM

> Super users need to be able to set different items, but 'General
> users' should have only one or perhaps two windows to care about.

Admin / non-admin is a thing from the past (before Vista in 2007). Even
administrative accounts don't use the full-access token by default on modern
operating systems any longer!

Programs run "elevated" (have access to protected system resources to do
"per-machine" instructions) or "non-elevated" (do not have access to
protected system resources and can only handle "per-user" instructions).

With SetupBuilder, you can detect the elevation level (Get System Info ->
Installer Elevation Type) and display different sets of dialogs for a
non-elevated or elevated running app, no problem. The function returns "1"
if the user has a split token, and the process is running elevated. It
returns "2" if the user has a split token, but the process is not running
elevated. It returns "3" if the user is not using a split token (e.g. UAC
turned off).


11-05-2013, 09:28 AM
And if you don't need different dialog sets based on the elevation level
type, the following lets you display different sets of dialogs based on
command line parameters.

For example, this will display your "SUPERUSER" dialogs:

DifferentDialogSets.exe /SUPERUSER

I have developed a simple quick-and-dirty demo project for you:



11-06-2013, 05:08 AM

And look into WUUPDATE.SB8 to find out how setup.exe is called - And
add a copmmand line parameter.

Best regards

Edvard Korsbæk

11-06-2013, 05:09 AM
Found it!
In my programs 'Operatermode' - Call WUUPDATE.EXE /S /Q

IN Superusermode - Call WUUPDATE.EXE

Best Regards
