View Full Version : Ping Friedrich Linder

10-16-2007, 02:31 AM

Please be on the lookout for a private email about Comodo Certificate
I ordered it on Oct 2 and still have not recieved it. Please advise if you
have recieved
my email.

Best Regards
Bo Schmitz

10-16-2007, 02:33 AM
> Friedrich,
> Please be on the lookout for a private email about Comodo Certificate
> problems.
> I ordered it on Oct 2 and still have not recieved it.


It's unfortunate, but not uncommon, to have problems with the Comodo
certificate process, but most can successfully resolve their problems
through the support section.


Hopefully, your problem will be resolved soon. Take heart, a number of
Clarion developers have been through the process, had problems, and support
did resolve our certificate issues.


From David Troxell - Product Scope 7 - Encourager Software
Clarion Third Party Profile Exchange Online

10-16-2007, 02:35 AM

I have received your email.

Friedrich Linder

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 6.6
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

10-17-2007, 01:43 AM

> It's unfortunate, but not uncommon, to have problems with the Comodo
> certificate process, but most can successfully resolve their problems
> through the support section.

That is an understatement. We are still hoping for some joy.

Been fighting with their call in support department for about 2 weeks.
They resent the Comodo certificate several times.
To where is a real question !!!!!!
It was not sent to my registered email address.
I asked them to whom are they really sending it.

Then they claimed to have been sending to Lindersoft as it was purchased
thru his website as a 3rd Party.
Frederich never got them either.
Makes me wonder who did get them.

Now they promised to straighten out the email address and resend.
We shall see.
It is almost funny a company such as this has this many problems if
it wasn't such a PITA!!!!

The support section is trying to be helpful, are a bit dismissive, and seem
to be partially neutered.

Best regards,

10-17-2007, 01:43 AM

Of course, there is absolutely no excuse for a two week delay. But
unfortunately, it always depends on the employee who is responsible for
issuing your certificate. Human errors, the so-called "human factor", are a
major reason why things like this happen. All WebTrust companies follow the
same rules. Comodo is the 2nd largest WebTrust Compliant Certification
Authority and their support is usually excellent. But they are processing
quite a few thousand certificates per hour! So things like this can happen
and it is most often a human element to blame.

Typically it takes 1-2 business days to issue a new certificate. I know
that two of our (U.S. based) customers received their certificates within 4
hours yesterday. But again, there is no excuse for a two week delay.

Please keep us posted.


10-17-2007, 01:44 AM
Hi Bo,
>It was not sent to my registered email address.

Just because you didn't receive it doesn't mean it wasn't sent, it
just means you didn't receive it. Email is not very reliable any

>The support section is trying to be helpful, are a bit dismissive, and seem
>to be partially neutered.

I had problems with their site when I bought the certificate, but the
support got it strightened out in a few days. They were helpful and
re-issued the certificate and everything worked.

I have to admit though, that their website etc. leaves a lot to be
desired when it comes time to purchase. It was not clear at all what
was needed where during the entry phase, which made me miss the thing
where you select the file to download to your machine (the key file if
I remember correctly) so I never got it. They never were able to send
it to me so I had to re-purchase and then send them the order number
and they cancelled it<g>

Best regards,

ArnĂ³r Baldvinsson
Icetips Creative, Inc.
San Antonio, Texas, USA

Subscribe to information from Icetips.com:

10-17-2007, 01:45 AM
Arnor, and all

> Just because you didn't receive it doesn't mean it wasn't sent, it
> just means you didn't receive it. Email is not very reliable any
> more:(

>>It was not sent to my registered email address.
They are trying to straighten that out. I have yet to receive it.

> I have to admit though, that their website etc. leaves a lot to be
> desired when it comes time to purchase. It was not clear at all what
> was needed where during the entry phase, which made me miss the thing
> where you select the file to download to your machine (the key file if
> I remember correctly) so I never got it. They never were able to send
> it to me so I had to re-purchase and then send them the order number
> and they cancelled it<g>

Hmmmmm! I had missed that too. I asked them about a week ago.
The support department told me it is included in the certificate if you
download it. I told them I did not download a separate key.
Is that correct??
Do I have to jump thru some more hoops to get a separate key???? :-(

Do we need a separate key to use it with Setupbuilder?
Any body get by without the separate Key?

Best regards,

10-17-2007, 01:46 AM

> Do we need a separate key to use it with Setupbuilder?
> Any body get by without the separate Key?

I think you can export from Internet Explorer to a .pfx file.

SetupBuilder can work with both pvk/spc and pfx files. The following two
links should help:




Friedrich Linder

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 6.6
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

10-18-2007, 02:09 AM
Et all,

Nobody confirmed using it without the key, and have no clue how to find the
files needed to possibly move it to another development machine when it is

I finally got the link thru an alternate email address, that Comodo was
reluctant to do. My Isp provider claims to have no spam filters, etc. No
white list, but Comodo stuff not coming thru.

Got a link that, upon going to the website, said it installed successfully
on my computer, but I can find no trace in the drive or registry of any
Looks like I have to do it all over again with downloading the key. :-(
What a FPITA !!!

Best regards,

10-18-2007, 02:10 AM

Did you try to export it via Internet Explorer?

Internet Options -> Content -> Certificates


Friedrich Linder

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 6.6
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

10-19-2007, 03:02 AM

Thank you very much.
That got it, and I was able to include the Key because I wrote down my

The next problem, Should it be displaying my Company Name instead of
personal name???
Is what I see in the attached photo what the end signed *.exe will display?

Did they create the certificate wrong??

I am sorry but I am completely confused and at a loss with this whole thing,
and the comedy of errors occuring with comodo and email etc are not helping.
The clarion mag articles were not much help with comodo, etc.

Also found out my Web and Email Server got sold recently, to a very
unresponsive company, and they are hosing up my emails and websites. They
do not answer the phone or emails. They are definately blocking comodo's
emails. My GoDaddy(.net) account has spam filters in place that block
entire domains for email, and said they cannot whitelist either. It is one
I cannot turn off.

Best regards,

10-19-2007, 03:05 AM

I requested a certificate for the company (sent the required documents,
etc.) and so they issued it to the company. This is what I see on my
machine (see screenshot).


10-19-2007, 03:05 AM

Thanks for the confirmation. I ordered it for Comsoft7, sent the company
documents requested for Comsoft 7, and they sent it in my Name. :(

What a fiasco.

Best regards,

10-19-2007, 03:06 AM
Another Update.

Called Comodo support again. Have to go to support Website, request a
start over and try Again for Company Name. He didn't offer to be helpful
the process.

I asked him what I did wrong. I put my Name in the name fields, and
Company Name in the Company Name field. I asked if I had to Change that,
he offered no clues.

Here we go again. That and try to get their emails. :(


10-19-2007, 03:06 AM
FWIW anyone.

My problems (similar to Bo's) were caused by my ISP changing my IP address
dynamically. Once I got a fixed IP all worked out.

Lynn Howard

10-19-2007, 03:07 AM
Update, Lynn, et all.

Turns out my Website provider got sold back in March, without my knowledge.
They are mostly interested in providing Wireless connections, so they moved
"Wired" Websites and Emails to another contractor just recently. Not Sure
who that is, can't get ahold of anybody, as they are not answering any
phones, emails etc. Ouch, time to Migrate main email and website again.

Explains Web outages, broken links, Email outages, and now a block on emails
from a trusted Certificate company. Still have all the other spams coming
thru, go figure. I use OE rules to filter them, and screen for any false

I have another provider, Go Daddy, with the .net extension on web and email.
After some pleading with Comodo support, they sent a test email to that
address, and it came thru. One Caveat, GoDaddy will not allow me to send
email to docs.Comodo.com !!!!! What Crap!!!!!

So I went thru the hoops again, signed up under the Company Name, used .net
email for receiving, .com for sending supporting docs, and got my new
Company Certificate in about 2 hours. This time I downloaded the personal
Key !!!!

Caveat-- Submitted ticket for refund for Personal Cert, and as of yet have
not received the charge back, so they are into me for double costs as of

Are there any lower cost Web and Email providers out there with reliability
and no "automatic unchangable" spam filters/domain blockers ?


Best regards,

10-19-2007, 03:08 AM
Hi Bo,

I tracked down my problem with:


Turns out the IP address was changing rather often. Comodo never suggested
this could be a problem.


10-19-2007, 03:09 AM
> Turns out the IP address was changing rather often

Any coherent host should know to put a SSL protected site on a static IP.

Assuming they want to behave:)

Mark Riffey
The Wall Street Journal staff reads it,
maybe you should too.

10-19-2007, 03:10 AM
> Any coherent host

Aye there's the rub. <G>


10-19-2007, 03:10 AM
> Aye there's the rub. <G>


Mark Riffey
The Wall Street Journal staff reads it,
maybe you should too.

10-19-2007, 03:11 AM
> Are there any lower cost Web and Email providers out there with reliability
> and no "automatic unchangable" spam filters/domain blockers ?

I have GoDaddy as my Domain Registrar. You can't beat them for that.

For hosting I use (and HIGHLY recommend) Dewahost ( www.dewahost.com )

They have fast equipment, take good care of it (and their customers) and
their service is excellent.

They have both regular hosting plans (per domain if you will) but also have
"Reseller" plans that allow multiple domains under one fee.

I have over 60 domains with this combination and no problems.

BTW - if are a member of AISIP, they have special prices on the reseller
account (and regular ones too) that make his "Business Class Hosting" as
affordable as the cheap sites ... but without the problems.

I like this hosting combination because it just "works" and I don't have to
fight it.



Charles Edmonds

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