View Full Version : Digital Cert Renewal

11-14-2013, 01:31 AM
OK, its time for me to renew my digital certificate and I have noticed
many posts on this subject. I plan on going through Lindersoft and
Comodo again as I have in the past. What is the simplest way to get this
done? What format do I want it return in? Last renewal I ad to do a ton
of stuff to get it out of my browser, then run a number of tools to get
it in a form that I could use. Any help/advice would be greatly

Paul Anderson

11-15-2013, 06:09 AM

> OK, its time for me to renew my digital certificate and I have noticed
> many posts on this subject. I plan on going through Lindersoft and Comodo
> again as I have in the past. What is the simplest way to get this done?
> What format do I want it return in? Last renewal I ad to do a ton of stuff
> to get it out of my browser, then run a number of tools to get it in a
> form that I could use. Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated!!!

If you had to run a number of tools to get it in a form that you could use
then you did something wrong. SetupBuilder can support both .PVK/.SPC and
..PFX formats. No need to convert anything.

If you are using an UAC-aware Windows operating system (e.g. Vista, Windows
7, Windows 8.x) then you'll get the code-signing certificate in form of a
..PFX (or .P12). It is recommended to use Internet Explorer to request the
certificate. The latest Firefox browsers also work fine. The certificate
will make it directly into your certificate store and you can export it.
You can use the certificate file with the "SignTool.exe" MS Authenticode
tool in SetupBuilder.

If you are using a non-UAC-aware Windows operating system (e.g. Windows XP)
then you'll get the certificate in form of .PVK/.SPC files. It is
recommended to use Internet Explorer to request the certificate. You can
use the files with the "SignCode.exe" MS Authenticode tool in SetupBuilder.

Here are some interesting threads:


This is an interesting reading:



11-15-2013, 06:09 AM
Thanks Friedrich!

Paul Anderson