View Full Version : Download File HTTP

12-10-2013, 10:14 AM

i want to download a file from server and put this to the target folder
- no problem.

when the download doesn´t work and the host file is in target folder
(basic installation) - it is automatically deleted.

how can I prevent this?


12-10-2013, 10:14 AM

> i want to download a file from server and put this to the target folder -
> no problem.
> when the download doesn´t work and the host file is in target folder
> (basic installation) - it is automatically deleted.
> how can I prevent this?

You have several different options.

For example, rename the existing file first, then download. If the download
failed, rename the file back to its original name. Or make a backup of the
existing file first, then download. If the download failed, restore the
backup. Or download into the temporary folder and copy it to the final
location if the download succeeded.

Does this help?


12-11-2013, 03:31 AM

see picture ;)

Dirk Büchel

12-11-2013, 03:32 AM
> easier:
> see picture ;

The correct way to handle this scenario is to let the "Download File (HTTP)"
function download it into the default temporary (%TMPDIR%) folder and then
copy it (Copy File) to the target folder.

The Download File function removes an existing file *before* the download
process begins.

So if the downloaded file should replace an existing file in your
installation folder, it should look like this (see attached screenshot).
