View Full Version : Clarion 3rd-party developers only: Clarion 9.1

01-17-2014, 03:23 AM
Clarion 3rd-Party Developers:

The next Clarion 9.1 build and the previous Clarion 9.0 can coexist on the
same machine. Please **DO NOT** use the current SetupBuilder 8.1 #4227 to
build your 3rd-party installs for Clarion 9.1. We are working on an update
for SetupBuilder to add support for the new Clarion 9.1.

BTW, we'll update the "C9_Manager.exe" tool to display the status of your
C9.x environment, too.


Friedrich Linder

--Helping You Build Better Installations
--SetupBuilder "point. click. ship"
--Create Windows 8 ready installations in minutes
--Official COMODO Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

01-17-2014, 07:48 AM
Merci Fredrich !

I'll wait to hear from you then before creating new installers.

__________________________________________________ _____

For those who do not understand ... : "Qui bene amat bene castigat."
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DMC - Data Management Center : a tool to let you Migrate Import Export
Transfer your Data

01-17-2014, 07:48 AM
Hi Friedrich
Does SB produces a log of installed files for the package?
I have to ask due to a puzzling problem with C9.1 on several machines
with different OS's but the error is the same 'corrupt installation,
files missing'


Didier G. Le Duc
"A wise man does not play Leapfrog with a Unicorn"

01-17-2014, 07:49 AM
Hi Didier,

> Does SB produces a log of installed files for the package?
> I have to ask due to a puzzling problem with C9.1 on several machines with
> different OS's but the error is the same 'corrupt installation, files
> missing'

Yes, all installed files are listed in the uninstall .log. The installed
file always begins with a '|006|' and lists file date/time, file size, and
even the CRC32 value.

BTW, a file installation error is always handled as a fatal error and the
install will abort (and rollback) immediately. So if you do not see an
installation error then the C9.1 environment installed fine. What happened
after that (e.g. virus scanner, spyware monitoring), who knows <g>.


01-17-2014, 07:49 AM
The installation says to be ok and I can start C9 to register.
The error pops up right after entering the login info.
It says "files missing" without telling what file it is, hence my
question about the log.
enven when using clarion /configdir


Didier G. Le Duc
"A wise man does not play Leapfrog with a Unicorn"

01-17-2014, 07:50 AM
Hi Didier,

JAT that error comes up if you install below \Program Files (default
location) and try to run ClarionCL.exe without administrator rights.
Solution is to install elsewhere or use ClarionCL 'As Administrator'
(Error came up frequently in Clarion 8 newsgroup)

If it's coming up on the IDE itself then maybe it's not set to run as


01-17-2014, 07:50 AM
Thanks Graham but I never install a web environment under Program files


Didier G. Le Duc
"A wise man does not play Leapfrog with a Unicorn"

01-17-2014, 07:51 AM
We'll make the SetupBuilder 8.1 #4301 available soon. Still have to test it
on different machines and environments.

It can detect coexisting C9 and C91 now and can even avoid template
registration failures caused by an "unregistered" (serial number not
validated) Clarion IDE.


01-17-2014, 07:52 AM
Questions received via email with regards to template registration.

Of course, SetupBuilder template registration and unregistration will work
without any problem when both C9 and C91 are installed. And the new
SetupBuilder can detect "validated" C9 and C91 environments (to avoid
template registration failures).


01-17-2014, 07:53 AM
That's pretty slick!


Russ Eggen
RADFusion International, LLC

01-17-2014, 10:09 AM

> The installation says to be ok and I can start C9 to register.

Then it is definitely not an installation error.


01-17-2014, 12:10 PM
exactly this is why I want to know what is installed to check with
Apparently the distributed package I've got is either wrong or corrupted


Didier G. Le Duc
"A wise man does not play Leapfrog with a Unicorn"

01-17-2014, 12:10 PM
If it is *NOT* an installer error why do you think it is the
'distributed package which is wrong or corrup' ??????

Installer = distributed package, no ?

__________________________________________________ _____

For those who do not understand ... : "Qui bene amat bene castigat."
__________________________________________________ _____

DMC - Data Management Center : a tool to let you Migrate Import Export
Transfer your Data

01-17-2014, 12:11 PM
It could happen , if you think of it for a second, that I might want to
see which of the module is not working properly or altered in any way.

My request was on a list of installed module that would help me in my

Dider Le Duc

Didier G. Le Duc
"A wise man does not play Leapfrog with a Unicorn"

01-17-2014, 12:12 PM
Hi Didier,

> Apparently the distributed package I've got is either wrong or corrupted

A corrupted install package would give an installation error and then
rollback automatically. But you can simply check the code-signature before
you run the setup.exe to see if you have a valid package.


01-18-2014, 04:50 AM
it seems you need to learn the perfection of setup builder (compared to
other installer methods you use today) - as Fredrich said and repeated :
if the installer is corrupted or altered then it will NOT start or not
install and c9.1 will NOT start as all is rolled back <g>

The list of what was installed has always been available as the
uninstall.log file generated for all SB installs (if the vendor adds
the uninstall option)

Check that file in your install path

Seing you tried with the new OPTION RZ said he would remove about
configdir - it very well may be because of this or your setup that
mixes things up ?
We did find and report last wednesday a few "glitches" during the
webinar you attended - remember ?

__________________________________________________ _____

For those who do not understand ... : "Qui bene amat bene castigat."
__________________________________________________ _____

DMC - Data Management Center : a tool to let you Migrate Import Export
Transfer your Data

01-18-2014, 05:03 AM
Hi Friedrich!

Thanks very much for the update!

Craig E. Ransom
Tracker Software Products, Ltd.

01-19-2014, 04:58 AM
Hi Friedrich,

> The next Clarion 9.1 build and the previous Clarion 9.0 can coexist on the
> same machine. Please **DO NOT** use the current SetupBuilder 8.1 #4227 to
> build your 3rd-party installs for Clarion 9.1. We are working on an update
> for SetupBuilder to add support for the new Clarion 9.1.
> BTW, we'll update the "C9_Manager.exe" tool to display the status of your
> C9.x environment, too.

Does that mean we will need to build new installs to support 9.1?

Best regards,

Arnor Baldvinsson - Icetips Alta LLC

01-19-2014, 04:58 AM

__________________________________________________ _____

For those who do not understand ... : "Qui bene amat bene castigat."
__________________________________________________ _____

DMC - Data Management Center : a tool to let you Migrate Import Export
Transfer your Data

01-19-2014, 04:59 AM
Hi Arnor,

> Does that mean we will need to build new installs to support 9.1?

Yes, we will need to build new installs to support Clarion 9.1. C9.0 and
C9.1 can coexist on the same machine (and users will run in that way for
some time).


01-20-2014, 01:42 AM
Hi Friedrich,

> Yes, we will need to build new installs to support Clarion 9.1. C9.0 and
> C9.1 can coexist on the same machine (and users will run in that way for
> some time).

Is there no way to build in some kind of automated Clarion detection
system into SB? I understand that now SB needs to be updated for 9.1,
but it gets a bit old having to rebuild all installs every few months;)

Best regards,

Arnor Baldvinsson - Icetips Alta LLC

01-20-2014, 01:42 AM
Hi Arnor,

> Is there no way to build in some kind of automated Clarion detection
> system into SB? I understand that now SB needs to be updated for 9.1, but
> it gets a bit old having to rebuild all installs every few months;)

No, this is impossible :-)

BTW, Clarion 9.0 detection was introduced on March 22, 2013 (10 months ago)
and detection for Clarion 8.0 on May 01, 2011 (nearly 3 years ago). But in
March 2013 it was impossible to known that the next Clarion version would be
Clarion 9.1 and that it could truly coexist with C9.0 on the same machine
(and not replace C9.0).

Similar to detection support for the next Windows version. You don't know
what the next Windows version will be and so it is impossible to add support
for it yet. Perhaps it will be Windows 8.2 or maybe it will be Windows 9.0.
And you can't add the manifest compatibility information (a GUID) for the
next Windows version because Microsoft will not tell you what the next
manifest GUID will be. Or detection for the next Visual C++ 2010/2012/2013
runtimes or Autodesk Revit (modeling software for architects which makes use
of a detection scheme similar to Clarion).


01-20-2014, 01:43 AM
I think this explains why all those lottery numbers you keep sending me
never win! :-P


Russ Eggen
RADFusion International, LLC

01-20-2014, 01:44 AM

> No, this is impossible :-)


In my case, since I create version specific installs it's actually not
an issue since I always provide an entry. I'm old fashioned that way!

If it finds the path it displays it otherwise it defaults to a folder
off the root of C:. In either case the user can change it if needed.

Lee White

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01-20-2014, 01:44 AM
That's the way everyone should do it, IMO.

For new Clarion addons, sometimes I install the stuff to a dummy
folder to see what I'm getting myself into. After having a fiasco
happen with a large bloated POS 3rd party add-on that really jacked up
my system and wasted too much of my time undoing it, I'm a lottle more
careful. (NOT YOU<g>)

Jeff Slarve
I'll search help files & Google for you.

01-20-2014, 01:45 AM

> NOT YOU<g>


[inside joke, thankfully - you had to be there!]

Lee White

01-20-2014, 01:45 AM

__________________________________________________ _____

For those who do not understand ... : "Qui bene amat bene castigat."
__________________________________________________ _____

DMC - Data Management Center : a tool to let you Migrate Import Export
Transfer your Data

01-20-2014, 09:36 AM

That's fine, but it opens the door to a product that has never been
tested with future Clarion, building wild existing (or older) Clarion
only options possible.

Some yahoo (like JP <g>) decides he's going to install your Clarion 9.1
tested product to Clarion 12.4 since you provided a path to the current
Clarion. No support traffic would become of that, right? ;-)


Russ Eggen
RADFusion International, LLC

01-20-2014, 09:37 AM
Some yahoo (like Russ) decides to NOT READ posts and starts wandering
in the stars of his dreams of clarion 22 ....

end quote

__________________________________________________ _____

For those who do not understand ... : "Qui bene amat bene castigat."
__________________________________________________ _____

DMC - Data Management Center : a tool to let you Migrate Import Export
Transfer your Data

01-20-2014, 09:38 AM
I'm assuming that your tools are being updated during that time, and
each new version of Clarion requires that you test your tools to
ensure that they still work. I would think that building and
uploading an installer would be a smaller part of this task.

Mike Hanson

01-20-2014, 11:55 AM
Hi Friedrich,

> and detection for Clarion 8.0 on May 01, 2011 (nearly 3 years ago). But in
> March 2013 it was impossible to known that the next Clarion version would be
> Clarion 9.1 and that it could truly coexist with C9.0 on the same machine
> (and not replace C9.0).

What? You can't tell the future??? This is outrageous! <g>

See my reply to Mike. For me a new Clarion version is mostly completely
redundant as I don't have much version dependent code in there and no
dlls that are Clarion version dependent.

Best regards,

Arnor Baldvinsson - Icetips Alta LLC

01-20-2014, 11:55 AM
Hi Mike,

> I'm assuming that your tools are being updated during that time, and
> each new version of Clarion requires that you test your tools to
> ensure that they still work. I would think that building and
> uploading an installer would be a smaller part of this task.

I have been very lucky that I have not really had problems with Clarion
version updates. With two exceptions (Powertoolbar menu theming for C7
and SV's Report Target class method name changes in Clarion 9 affecting
my Previewer) my tools have work unchanged from Clarion 6 to Clarion 9:)
So for me, it's primarily to go through every installer, check the
Clarion support version checkbox for the new version and rebuild the
whole thing. I do not have any DLLs in my products that are Clarion
version dependent so no build needed for that.

I can do this very easily, but like I said, normally the only reason for
me to release new builds when a new Clarion version comes out is to
provide that simple update. That's all:)

Best regards,

Arnor Baldvinsson - Icetips Alta LLC

01-20-2014, 12:01 PM

> That's fine, but it opens the door to a product that has never been
> tested with future Clarion, building wild existing (or older) Clarion
> only options possible.

I'm not a babysitter so if someone can't tell the difference between
diverse builds of Clarion so be it. They deserve what they get!<g>

Lee White

01-20-2014, 12:42 PM
Hi Arnor,

> What? You can't tell the future??? This is outrageous! <g>

Hehehehe :)

> See my reply to Mike. For me a new Clarion version is mostly completely
> redundant as I don't have much version dependent code in there and no dlls
> that are Clarion version dependent.

Yes, I understand.


01-20-2014, 01:27 PM
Pure source products are the least likely to be affected by a new
Clarion, but they are not immune. Sometimes RTL stuff changes (like new
events, properties) affects a small number of folks.

But yeah, you download the wrong version you might as well tape a
mackerel to your forehead, go to Seaworld and tease Shamu.


Russ Eggen
RADFusion International, LLC

01-20-2014, 01:28 PM
"Almost Never" isn't quite the same as "Never". ;)

The point I'm making is that no 3rd party developer can responsibly
assume that any future version of Clarion will work with their
product. At the very least, needing to build a new installer at least
means that they're aware that there's a new version of Clarion. :D

Mike Hanson