View Full Version : RTF word file

01-25-2014, 09:16 AM
Hi all,

In such an RTF word file I would need to be able to use a "dynamic"
windows long date" and "version of app" also as tired of changing these
two entries in two files each day I create an installer ....

These RTF files are used by SetupBuilder to build the installer and are
the displayed text in first "readme" dialog

Any ideas or tips pls

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01-25-2014, 01:49 PM
> In such an RTF word file I would need to be able to use a "dynamic"
> windows long date" and "version of app" also as tired of changing these
> two entries in two files each day I create an installer ....
> These RTF files are used by SetupBuilder to build the installer and are
> the displayed text in first "readme" dialog
> Any ideas or tips pls

We use Build Automator to do a search/replace of a token for the
date/version automatically.

We do a similar thing with the documentation. BA writes out a
variables.txt file in our Help and Manual project directory, then calls H&M
to update the help files with the same info.

Then the same BA script calls SetupBuilder to create the installer.

Of course BA can also copy files, etc.

One click does it all and it works like a charm.

BA and SB - the best of both worlds!


Charles Edmonds

cjeByteMeSpammers@lansrad.com (remove the "ByteMeSpammers" to email me)
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