View Full Version : error during setupbuilder update..

02-25-2014, 02:48 AM
I can't seem to make it update.
Any tips on what to do..
I cleared the proxy cache, and still same thing..

Best Regards..

Roberto Renz

02-25-2014, 02:48 AM
That seems to be the same brain fart I posted about <g>


Russ Eggen
RADFusion International, LLC

02-25-2014, 02:48 AM
> That seems to be the same brain fart I posted about <g>

No. Robert is trying to update SetupBuilder 8 itself. But he has a buggy
anti-spyware / firewall system that blocks access to the update server ;-)


02-25-2014, 02:49 AM

> I can't seem to make it update.
> Any tips on what to do..
> I cleared the proxy cache, and still same thing..

Your protection software blocks access to the update server and does not
allow any communication to it. Try to "whitelist" the web update client and
try it again.

If you can't fix this in your protection software, you can download the full
install image and it will update your existing installation. But #1
priority should be to fix this in your protection software.


02-25-2014, 02:49 AM

> I cleared the proxy cache, and still same thing..

BTW, you mentioned "proxy". The screenshot you posted does not have the "I
access the Internet with a proxy server" checkbox enabled. So perhaps the
web update client does not make it through the proxy to the Internet?

If you can't fix this in your proxy / protection software then you can
update your existing install with the full install image.



02-25-2014, 05:41 AM
> No. Robert is trying to update SetupBuilder 8 itself.

Give me an "o"... Should read "Roberto", sorry :-)


02-25-2014, 09:34 AM
Wait till you see my screen shot <g>


Russ Eggen
RADFusion International, LLC

02-25-2014, 09:34 AM
We have an invisible Proxy, so no need to update proxy settings in browser.
My antivirus does not protect web sites, I have all that turned off, but
even then I get this error, I've had that kind of error off and on for
what seems like always.. You're right though.. downloading the full
install has always worked for me... <G>

Best Regards...


02-25-2014, 09:35 AM
Interestingly enough, today, the update works just fine and tells me I
have the latest version intalled... go figure...

Roberto Renz

02-25-2014, 10:08 AM

> Interestingly enough, today, the update works just fine and tells me I
> have the latest version intalled... go figure...

Nothing changed in the web update technology for years, so the explanation
seems to be easy <g>. It seems to be a simple false-positive bug in your
protection software.

Here is what happened now. The full update installed new files (including
recompiled web update clients). Your protection software (heuristic
detection) put a lock onto the web update client(s) in the past. As a
result, the communication to the server was blocked (Communication Error
5060). Because the new files have a different binary contents, your
protection software does not cause the false-positive any longer.


02-26-2014, 12:38 PM

I didn't update the software manually..
just a different day and different retry..

I've always had these kind of problems updating setupbuilder. it could
be the time of day, traffic, internet connectivity from here to there...
don't really know.. but I have tried turning off my antivirus (which
happens to be Eset Nod32) just doesn't make much sense. However it's
working now.. so...


02-26-2014, 12:39 PM

> I didn't update the software manually..
> just a different day and different retry..
> I've always had these kind of problems updating setupbuilder. it could be
> the time of day, traffic, internet connectivity from here to there...
> don't really know.. but I have tried turning off my antivirus (which
> happens to be Eset Nod32) just doesn't make much sense. However it's
> working now.. so...

Yes, I understood. But after you (manually) updated SetupBuilder, the new
update client version says "You already have the most recent version of
SetupBuilder on your system". In other words, this time it downloaded the
server manifest file without any problem. The very same process failed last
time (see your first screenshot) and gave a "Network Communication Error:
5060". Why? Well, your protection software blocked the old web update
client (no Internet access) and the new client went through without any
problem because it has another CRC32 value. It's the stupid and so very
buggy heuristic detection in ESET protection systems that causes the
false-positive(s). Even turning off the software does not help.

I am 100% sure that the smart ESET 'protection' software will "block" your
web update again very soon and your "Network Communication Error: 5060" will
be back. In one day, in one week, or one month <g> Knowing ESET, I bet in
under one months <g>.


02-26-2014, 12:40 PM
BTW, a few weeks ago a SetupBuilder customer contacted ESET Support and
mentioned one of our ESET ticket numbers. Do you know what they (ESET)

"This ticket number does not come from us, and we do not have any
information about this case."

Hahahaha. Just for fun, I asked the same question (using an anonymous GMAIL
account under a fake name) and they sent a similar statement! Aha, then I
provided the full ticket communication and they said "Oops, sorry!".

The ESET guys do not even have their own support ticket system under control


02-26-2014, 12:41 PM
FWIW - I also use ESET and have *never* had any problems updating.


CYA - Don't Leave Home Without One
The Hurrier I Go The Behinder I Get

02-28-2014, 01:27 PM

I didn't update the software at all..
it's been the same update program for several months..
just one day I tried to see if there are any updates and there's the
error, the next I try and it works.. than simple.


02-28-2014, 01:27 PM

> I didn't update the software at all..
> it's been the same update program for several months..
> just one day I tried to see if there are any updates and there's the
> error, the next I try and it works.. than simple.

Aha!!!! Okay... Now I understand!!!


03-07-2014, 09:34 AM

The two Ronnies hey?

J André Labuschagné