View Full Version : Problem with creating folders with . in name

02-25-2014, 09:32 AM
Hi all!

I have this line:

#create folder "j:\easyflex\Salg\Script\SetupEasyplan_RC\[PRODUCTVER]"

where the [PRODUCTVERr can be

This line fails randomly, and creates a file/folder, where the
'extension' is .123 instead.
If i make the folder 'Manually', I can copy to it etc.

Problem is, that[PRODUCTVER] contains periods, which can make windows
behave odd.

So, the solution could be to change to 2_8_2_123, which, I
think, will work trouble free.

But, I have not benn able to find the function i SB8, which can make
a new variable AND replace . with _.

I cannot just use POSITION, as the . can be placede at differet

Good Ideas Out there?

Best regards

Edvard Korsbæk

02-26-2014, 06:16 AM
Hi Edvard,

> where the [PRODUCTVERr can be
> This line fails randomly, and creates a file/folder, where the
> 'extension' is .123 instead.
> If i make the folder 'Manually', I can copy to it etc.

While I haven't run into this with SB, I have in Build Automator. It's
completely random and sometimes I just can't make it work and substitute
the "." with an underscore (_) I can always manually create it, but
it's like SHCreateDirectoryEx just fails sometimes. I _think_ this is
not as common on Windows 7, but it happened every once in a while in XP.

Not much help as I have never been able to find out why it fails.
Hmm... Could this be an antivirus thing? But then it shouldn't work
either in Explorer.... Of course it may be using something completely

Best regards,

Arnor Baldvinsson - Icetips Alta LLC

02-26-2014, 06:16 AM
Hi Arnor (And Friedrich)

In Build Automater i use a search and replace for excactly this reson.
Unfortunately, I can say, that it is not Anti virus related.

It happened as said 'Randomly' on my WIN7 (With ESET antivirus), but
this time it was on a brand new PC WITHOUT antirus (Will have this
morning, I promise!)

What i was loking for in SB8 was something like your tools which couls
search and replace my periods.

OK, I think i will have to do something like:

A message box saing which version I have.
An input string Which function to use?) to write the correct value
into a string.
create the folder

Best regards

Edvard Korsbæk

02-27-2014, 02:59 AM
Hi Edvard,

> What i was loking for in SB8 was something like your tools which couls
> search and replace my periods.

I'm pretty sure there is a search/replace in SB, but I can't find it
right now... If not, you can add a clarion dll to your SB install that
you call - oh, THAT's how I'm doing it, just remembered!<g>

Best regards,

Arnor Baldvinsson - Icetips Alta LLC

02-27-2014, 03:00 AM
>> What i was loking for in SB8 was something like your tools which couls
>> search and replace my periods.
> I'm pretty sure there is a search/replace in SB, but I can't find it
> right now...

It is in the "Handle String Operation" function.



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