View Full Version : Include WebUpdate Client...

03-25-2005, 07:47 AM
[Thursday, March 24, 2005 7:59 PM]

Hi Friedrich,

In the script editor, click the "Include WebUpdate Client..." item in
the "Script Item" list. Click the Open button to select a file and
then click the "Cancel" button in the "Choose File" dialog. The "Web
Client File:" entry is now filled with "C:\Program
Files\LinderSoft\SetupBuilder 5 Developer\\Lib" without the double
quotes. I think it should not put anything in there, and if it did,
this doesn't look like a file name to me, more like a path. I think
it should be:

"C:\Program Files\LinderSoft\SetupBuilder 5 Developer\Lib\wupdate.exe"

Also in this directory there are some weird files, like SB5TEST.TPL,
Sample.VBS and TEST.ZIP - I wonder if these files are meant to be
there or they just got in accidentally<g>

I'm on build 1078.

Best regards,

Arnór Baldvinsson
Icetips Software
San Antonio, Texas, USA

03-25-2005, 07:48 AM
[Friday, March 25, 2005 11:05 AM]

Hi Arnór,

> In the script editor, click the "Include WebUpdate Client..." item in
> the "Script Item" list. Click the Open button to select a file and
> then click the "Cancel" button in the "Choose File" dialog. The "Web
> Client File:" entry is now filled with "C:\Program
> Files\LinderSoft\SetupBuilder 5 Developer\\Lib" without the double
> quotes. I think it should not put anything in there, and if it did,
> this doesn't look like a file name to me, more like a path. I think
> it should be:
> "C:\Program Files\LinderSoft\SetupBuilder 5 Developer\Lib\wupdate.exe"

Oops! Fixed, thank you.

> Also in this directory there are some weird files, like SB5TEST.TPL,
> Sample.VBS and TEST.ZIP - I wonder if these files are meant to be
> there or they just got in accidentally<g>
> I'm on build 1078.

Some demo scripts (\Examples folder) use the above files ;-)

For example, SB5TEST.TPL is used in "Clarion Template Registration
Demo.sb5", Sample.VBS is used in "Run VBScript Demo.sb5"


Friedrich Linder
CEO, Lindersoft