View Full Version : Script/SB Feature request

09-19-2014, 11:19 AM

First, thank you for all of the support you have provided to all of us in the past, excellent product and company.

Second, I find that as a direction, applications are using XML files more and more, and editing those files with SB is problematic when doing multiple, (and I am talking hundreds), of line replacement/additions in an xml file.

I would like to ask you if you plan on implementing streamlined xml file handling, including importing xml lines and exporting to an existing xml file in specific locations, similar to how ini files are handled now. If not, may I request such a feature, and if so, then again, thank you.


09-20-2014, 04:48 AM

We have experimented with this again and again over all the years. But the problem is that there is simply no solution available to natively handle XML files on all Windows operation systems. In most cases it requires specific components (e.g. MSXML) and if they are not already available on the target machine then the installer has to do a multi-megabyte redistributable install before it can handle XML files.

We have tried different XML components and solutions, but it did not work reliable :-( INI file manipulation is directly supported from Windows (it's a core functionality), but XML is not :-(

Just curious, what do you use from your own application to read/write XML files programmatically? Do you have licensed a commercial component to handle it? Or are your using MSXML? What exactly do you have to do with XML files?


01-13-2015, 12:08 PM

That is the basic problem, using SB8 to redistribute an application which fails to write the proper xml entries. We just need a way to write the proper entries to the end of the xml file. We are still trying to figure this out and we thought as an installer, SB8 would have a more robust XML handling system using MSXML which should exist already on all windows systems starting with Vista.

We will simply continue to look for a simple way to script this process. Thanks for your answer...


03-10-2015, 05:57 AM

Do you have an example .xml file and what you would like to add/write to the .xml from the installer? We are playing with some ideas right now. Can you send it to support [at] lindersoft [dot] com?
