View Full Version : FAQ: Why am I being charged sales tax on my purchase?

11-18-2014, 02:53 AM
FAQ: Why am I being charged sales tax on my purchase?

Short answer: Please ask your government.


eSellerate (a DR MyCommerce, Inc. company), as our main credit card
processor, is responsible for the collection of U.S. sales tax based on the
location of their nexuses. Although it is not possible to prevent sales tax
from being collected on orders placed by customers in those states,
customers whose organizations are tax-exempt can receive a refund of the
sales tax collected on their orders.



eSellerate collects sales tax on certain orders placed by customers located
in U.S. states where DR MyCommerce, Inc., eSellerate's parent company, is
registered to administer sales tax. In some of those states, sales tax might
or might not be collected depending on the contents of the customer's
shopping cart. For U.S. orders placed by customers in states where DR
MyCommerce Inc. is not registered, no sales tax will be collected.

eSellerate also handles the details of calculating, collecting and remitting
VAT for our European customers. VAT will be applied if you proceed with an
order when VAT ID verification is unsuccessful. You may be able to reclaim
the tax by filing for reimbursement with your local VAT authorities.

Note for Customers in Norway: Norway has enacted a law requiring companies
such as eSellerate to collect sales tax on purchases by customers located in
Norway, when the orders include electronically-downloaded products. This tax
is separate from VAT (Value Added Tax), which is collected from customers in
countries that are part of the EU.

DR MyCommerce Inc. is currently registered in the following U.S. states:

- Arizona
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- District of Columbia
- Florida
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Iowa
- Illinois
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Nebraska
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- Ohio
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- Texas
- Utah
- Virginia
- Washington
- Wisconsin

All U.S. sales tax collected is remitted to the states' appropriate taxation

Non-Taxable Orders

Some states do not require the collection and remittance of sales tax on
orders that contain only products to be delivered by electronic download. In
the following U.S. states, sales tax will not be collected on orders that
include only downloadable products:

- California
- Florida
- Georgia
- Maryland
- South Carolina
- Virginia

When a customer in one of these states places an order that includes at
least one shippable/physical product, sales tax will be collected. When a
customer in one of these states places an order with no shippable items, no
sales tax will be collected.

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