View Full Version : Built-in Changelog Feature Request

12-02-2014, 02:28 PM
I found myself wanting to record the changes I've been making to my project in the event someone takes over the project, or just to remind myself. For instance, in v1 I have demo.dll installed, in v2 I removed demo.dll.

If I was in script editor I could add a comment, then delete it; however, if I delete it from the Installation Details > Files and Folders UI, I can't add that comment.

You could argue to make a changelog.txt where the .sb8 project is, but that's inconvenient and assumes the next developer isn't going to use MRU feature in SB8. Also it doesn't promote updating it after you change the project.

Unfortunately because .sb8 is encoded, you can't Diff with the previous version. Instead, you'd have to rely on remembering, and properly comment a commit if you want to see what changed between commits.

My thought is to add an item/folder, "Changelog" or "Notes," in the tree view on the left of the UI. When something is changed, you can go to that item and type items in it, or use it as a text editor. It would be saved alongside the .sb8 file and is a ANSI text file, so Diff would be easy. Showing it in the tree view would also promotes/remind developers to update it, rather than having to manually navigate to the file in Windows Explorer.