View Full Version : Feature to "Cancel" when changing script editor tab

12-04-2014, 01:10 PM
I had my project open in the script editor.

One day has passed.

I log back on to my application and go to change to an .sbi tab in the script editor. I'm prompted with a popup saying there have been changes to my script, and asks if I would like to save [Yes/No].

Shoot! I thought my project was saved when I left it last. So I think to myself, "well, what's the change that was made so I can decide if I want to save my project?"

If I click no, it doesn't get saved and my tab get changed to the .sbi I clicked on. If I click Yes, the save happens and I can't undo/redo to see what changes were made/saved.

If I could click a Cancel option, see some markings next to the line numbers showing what was changed since the last save, that would be a great.

I supposed I could've saved the project before I left the computer, but hey, software is here to make it easier on us, right?! ;)

12-05-2014, 03:10 AM
I agree 100% !!! We have to change this.

Thank you for your suggestion!
