View Full Version : Recurse sub folders Windows Server 2012

12-05-2014, 03:31 PM

I have a setup for a NetTalk app that has a web folder with several subfolders. Recursing the subfolders works fine with Windows 7, but with Windows Server 2012 the subfolders are created but none of the files are copied into them. I can hard code the subfolders of course but for convenience and problem avoidance I would prefer not to. Am I missing something in my setup, or is there a setting in Windows 2012 I need to use?


12-06-2014, 03:20 AM

I assume that you mean the Install File(s) setup function? First of all, check the uninstall log to see if the file names are in that log. If this is the case, then something deleted the files AFTER the installation process (e.g. a protection software product). Then check if you have "excluded" Windows Server 2012 in the File conditions tab.

And another quick idea. If the files are in-use and Windows reboots to complete the installation process, under certain circumstances Windows deletes the files. You can try to avoid this by setting the temporary files folder to your installation folder (using the "Set Temporary File Folder..." script function).

Hope this helps a bit.
