View Full Version : Error - Cannot link sbkernal.lib - ScreenShot001.jpg (0/1)

01-06-2015, 03:57 AM
OK, got my new code signing certificate and decided to make the switch
to SignTool (was using the older tool before). Went into SB8
configuration and pointed to the SignTool.exe location and updated
application signing info.

Then went into one of prior installation scripts that was working fine
and made the changes in it to use the SignTool and the new code
signing certificate. After a couple of mis-steps, got it to code sign
the exe and all of the DLL's fine (at least no error indicated).

However now I am getting an "Cannot link sbkernel.lib" error. Tried in
another installation script that was also working a few days ago and
it also fails the same way. I checked the path and confirmed that the
lib is there.

Attached is a screen capture of the full error message. Help!

Barton Whisler
Prosoft Inc.
Tampa, Florida

01-06-2015, 03:59 AM
OK, on inspection of the exe and dll, they are NOT code signed but no
error was reported during compile. I know that they commands are there
because I had to correct password<g>.


Barton Whisler
Prosoft Inc.
Tampa, Florida

01-06-2015, 04:00 AM
Just a little more information:
1) I have reinstalled SB8 - same error.
2) Removed code signing in "Information" and also commented out code
sign in script. - Same Error
3) Tried on a 3nd untouched script except commenting out code sign -
same error.

Using SB 8.1.4550 on Windows Server 2008 R2.


Barton Whisler
Prosoft Inc.
Tampa, Florida

01-06-2015, 04:00 AM
Disregard the code signing issue, it is working correctly. I forgot
that I have permanent code sign unchecked so of course the exe was not

Still getting link error in Window Server 2008 machine. Loaded program
onto Win 8 machine and all works fine - go figure.


Barton Whisler
Prosoft Inc.
Tampa, Florida

01-06-2015, 04:02 AM

This is a typical mapped drive issue:


In your case, the IDE is running non-elevated (by default) and you have
mapped the drive in another user context. In other words, the mapped drive
is not accessible from the non-elevated running IDE. Map the drive in the
correct user context and you are done ;-)


01-06-2015, 05:29 AM

I have it resolved but not totally sure why it happen<g>.

I think that some of my files or folders containing the programs had
their security get changed some how. I deleted them all and reloaded
from my local computer and all is good!


Barton Whisler
Prosoft Inc.
Tampa, Florida

01-06-2015, 05:29 AM
Perfect! :-) Thanks for the update, Barton.
