View Full Version : SetupBuilder 2015 Version 8.5 Build 4686 Release Candidate #1

02-06-2015, 07:10 AM
SetupBuilder 2015 Version 8.5 Build 4686 Release Candidate #1 Announcement

We're excited to announce the release candidate of SetupBuilder 8.5 Build
4686. We continue testing and fixing problems, as we move towards final
"Gold" release. With this new version, programmers can be sure their
applications will install on Windows 10 / Server 10 and commercial software
developers can meet the requirements for Windows 10.

Listening to our customers and partners has been fundamental to the
development of SetupBuilder 8.5. They have told us what they need to make
software distribution work for them, and we have incorporated that into
Version 8.5.

The purpose of the Release Candidate is to solicit one last round of testing
before the final release. So please test this release as much as possible.

Thank you for all of the great suggestions, bug reports, and for using

SetupBuilder 8.5 is available, free of charge, to all SetupBuilder customers
who have an active SetupBuilder maintenance subscription plan. If you do not
have an active subscription plan, please contact your account manager at

SetupBuilder 2015 Version 8.5 Build 4686 RC1 (February 06, 2015)

NEW : Add preliminary built-in support for Windows 10 "Technical
Preview" and Windows Server 10 "Technical Preview" (the next
chapter). The compiler generates high-performance Windows
10-aware applications.

NEW : IDE: Add Windows 10 and Server 10 target operation system
Conditions to:

- Setup Requirements (OS Version Checking)
- Files and Folders
- Shortcuts
- INI Files
- Services
- File Extensions
- ODBC Drivers
- Run Programs

NEW : Add $WIN_10$ and $WIN_SERVER10$ to the "Common Definitions.sbi"

NEW : The built-in %WINVER% runtime variable and the underlying
Windows operating system detection mechanism support Windows 10
and Server 10.

NEW : IDE: Add support for Windows 10 in the "#embed UAC manifest..."
compiler directive.

NEW : IDE: Add "Enable this application to work with OneDrive files"
option to the "Set App Compatibility Mode..." script function.

NEW : Add built-in support for SoftVelocity Clarion 10 (alpha).
***NOTE: This feature is disabled in the Pre-Release!***

NEW : IDE: Add support for Windows Secure Hash Algorithm 256 (SHA-2)
to enable SHA-2 type code-signing capability.

NEW : IDE: Add CODESIGN_SHA #pragma to programmatically enable SHA-1,
SHA-2, and dual SHA-1/SHA-2 code-signing.

NEW : IDE: Add CODESIGN_TSTYPE #pragma to programmatically enable
RFC 3161 compliant (trusted) timestamping.

NEW : The Signtool code-signing process optionally supports RFC 3161
compliant (trusted) timestamp servers now.

NEW : IDE: Add an additional SHA-2 compliant Geotrust timestamp
server to the "General Information" Digital Signature section
and to the "#code sign application..." compiler directive.

NEW : IDE: Add an additional SHA-2 compliant Comodo (rfc3161)
timestamp server to the "General Information" Digital Signature
section and to the "#code sign application..." compiler

NEW : IDE: Add "No 'Make New Folder'" button to the "Select Install
Folder" dialog properties.

NEW : IDE: Add "Unregister SharedDlls File immediately" to the
"Unregister File Operation..." script function.

NEW : IDE: The 'Create Folder' Visualizer function supports target
operation system Conditions now.

NEW : Installer: Add an enhanced "Get Registry SubKey..." script
function to improve performance dramatically (and fixes an
annoying memory leak).

NEW : Recompiled wupdate.exe web update client to provide Windows 10
"Technical Preview" compatibility.

NEW : Recompiled wucheck.exe web update check client to provide
Windows 10 "Technical Preview" compatibility.

NEW: : IDE: Add "Do not highlight as a newly-installed program" option
to the Shortcut properties (Windows 7 and later). This lets you
prevent a shortcut on the Start menu from being highlighted as
newly installed after end users install your product. You may
want to enable this option for shortcuts that are for tools and
secondary products that are part of your installation.

NEW : [SB#5-01281] IDE: When an optional "Release Distribution" FTP
Upload finishes then an "iconized" SetupBuilder IDE gets

NEW : Updated online help (CHM and PDF).

FIX : IDE: The "Do not Calculate Available Disk Space" checkbox
option in the "Select Install Folder" dialog properties did not
work as expected.

FIX : IDE: Under certain circumstances, a failed compile did not
remove the generated (and incomplete) executable.

FIX : IDE: Possible duplicate registry key issue in the Registry


The full history list can be obtained through the following link:

Best regards,

Friedrich Linder

--Helping You Build Better Installations
--SetupBuilder "point. click. ship"
--Create Windows 10 ready installations in minutes
--Official COMODO Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

02-09-2015, 09:11 AM
Update: Brand new .NET Framework 4.6 detection and a few more goodies will
be available in the next SB8.5 build.


02-09-2015, 10:29 AM

I wonder why that screen shot got attached as
"application/octet-stream" instead of "image/png". Agent didn't know
what to do with it until I saved it to disk.

Jeff Slarve
I'll search help files & Google for you.

02-09-2015, 10:30 AM
> Cool.
> I wonder why that screen shot got attached as
> "application/octet-stream" instead of "image/png". Agent didn't know
> what to do with it until I saved it to disk.

Hmm, good question. Same problem here (using Outlook Express). The .png
itself seems to be okay okay.


I have attached it again as .jpg.


02-09-2015, 11:49 AM
Much better! <g> I got the same as Jeff, but using Thunderbird.


Russ Eggen
RADFusion International, LLC

02-10-2015, 03:12 AM
Maybe there's a way to tell Outlook Express that a PNG is supposed to
be image/png.

Jeff Slarve
I'll search help files & Google for you.

02-10-2015, 03:12 AM
> Maybe there's a way to tell Outlook Express that a PNG is supposed
> to be image/png.

I post PNG files on a regular basis. The attached one is again a PNG. I
have no idea what the problem is/was.
