View Full Version : Creating icons

02-17-2015, 03:11 AM
Product: SetupBuilder Developer 2014
Version: 8.1.4550
Maintenance: Valid Until (Date) February 14, 2016

Recently the installer has stopped creating icons. I fooled with many
settings, but nothing helped. My computer is windows 8, so i tried on
windows 7. It worked fine.

I relized the last time I had tried it my computer was windows eight.
It is now 8.1. So is there something new I need to do for 8.1

This is the setting I have for the ico file
%_SB_INSTALLDIR%\Readingfun\abc.ico Under shortcuts. Icon index is 0.

Gary Hoffman

02-17-2015, 03:19 AM

SetupBuilder creates Shortcuts on Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 without any
problem (see attached screenshots).


02-19-2015, 02:58 AM
Hi Friedrich. I am not sure what you are telling me. You seem to be
pointing to a version 6.1. I have version 8.1.4550.0. I have tried
updating, but it seems I have the newest version.
So it is not creating an icon on my 8.1 machine. It does on windows 7. I
will try to fine another 8.1 machine and see if it works. Also, we have had
a couple calls where a icon was not created on our demo.


02-19-2015, 02:59 AM
> So it is not creating an icon on my 8.1 machine. It does on windows 7. I
> will try to fine another 8.1 machine and see if it works. Also, we have had
> a couple calls where a icon was not created on our demo.

Hi Gary,

I am not sure what the problem could be as it works fine on our Windows 8.1
machines here.

I see your using a external icon. Maybe the icon does not have the color
depth that Windows 8.1 requires.

We get ours from the program executable (see attached).


Charles Edmonds

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02-19-2015, 03:00 AM
Hi Gary,

Hmm, I am pointing to SetupBuilder 6.1? I don't think so. I re-checked the
screenshots that I posted and the first one shows the created Shortcuts from
a SetupBuilder 8.1.4550 install and the second screenshot the Windows
version. Windows Build 6300 is Windows Version 8.1. Shortcut creation
itself did not change in Windows. "Tiles" are another story.


03-03-2015, 04:08 AM
Hi Friedrich I have been out of town for a while. I need to figure out
what I am doing wrong. I have setup another 8.1 computer. I can not create
a icon on it either. I have tested most of my installs and none will create
an icon.
The installs are for older programs so the icons are older. Charles mention
they may not be high enough resolution. Can this be a problem. I would
think the shortcut would be created without the icon.

I have tried pointing to the ico file and the exe file. I have attached the
html created and a picture of the shortcut screen. Do these show anything
that might be wrong.


03-03-2015, 04:09 AM
Hi Gary,

The question is, where are you looking for the "icons" in Windows 8.1? The
"Start Screen" or "All Apps"?

Could you please post the uninstall .log?


03-03-2015, 04:10 AM
BTW, with regards to my question on the Start SCreen in Windows 8.1, I just
want to make sure it is not this one:




03-03-2015, 09:09 AM
The uninstall log is attached. I am trying to place the icon on the
desktop. However, reading from your forums might be pointing to the
problem, although I am not trying to create in the start menu.
I have tried the down arrow but no amsoft icon there.

Another problem might be, I use classic view makes my computer look like
windows 7. I have gone to the windows 8.1 start screen and tried the down
arrow but no amsoft icon there.

The other computer is straight windows 8.1. It is not available to me for
another hour. I will check it soon and let you know.

Gary Hoffman

03-03-2015, 09:09 AM

I do not see any registry key nor any shortcut entry in your uninstall log.
Perhaps you have compiled an "asInvoker" manifested setup.exe and you are
trying to do a "per-machine" install?

If you are interested, you can send your .sb8 project file to support [at]
lindersoft [dot] com and we'll check it for you.


03-03-2015, 11:57 AM
Thanks Friedrich It was set to asinvoker. I changed it to highest. I
guess I don't understand these settings. Is their anything I should be
aware of when set to highest available.

Most of our users have 3 to 4 stations. Usually each station installs their
own copy. They then point to the server for data.

Thanks for your help.


03-03-2015, 11:58 AM

> Thanks Friedrich It was set to asinvoker. I changed it to highest.
> I guess I don't understand these settings. Is their anything I should
> be aware of when set to highest available.
> Most of our users have 3 to 4 stations. Usually each station installs
> their own copy. They then point to the server for data.

The default is "requireAdministrator" and you should *NOT* change it if you
have to do a "per-machine" installation.

You need the "Request Execution Level" setting for UAC-aware operating
systems (Vista and later, including Windows 10). It lets you specify the
minimum execution level required by your installation file for running the

The available options are:

* asInvoker-Installation runs with the least privileges (you can use this
for per-user installations)

* highestAvailable-Installation runs with the highest privileges that the
current user can obtain. You should never use this because it is the devil
and will result in a support nightmare.

* requireAdministrator-Installation runs only for administrators. This is
the default option for per-machine setups

Does this help?

BTW, if you do NOT need administrator execution level privileges for your
install (e.g. you do not have to write to any protected Windows resource),
let me know and I can help you with a per-user install.


03-06-2015, 03:04 AM
Hi Friedrich. We have decided to use administrator on or commercial

However, I have a program I have done for my wife's kindergarten class.
all the k classes use it in the school. None of them have administrative
rights. I do not think they know who does. So our programs works on one
folder and very little data is changed in that folder. The only other
thing that happens is the program ini is still stored in the windows folder.
So can you help me with a per user install for this.


03-06-2015, 03:10 AM
Hi Gary,

> The only other thing that happens is the program ini is still
> stored in the windows folder.

And this will NOT work. The Windows folder (tree) is a write protected
resource. You can't write to it for 15+ years now if you do not have
administrator rights (up to XP) or administrator execution level privileges
(Vista and later, including Windows 10). In other words, your write action
to the INI file located in the Windows folder fails.

> So can you help me with a per user install for this.

Yes, no problem. I'll post two or three screenshots later today.


03-09-2015, 03:40 AM
Hi Gary,

> So can you help me with a per user install for this.

To create a "true" per-user installation, please do the following:

1. General Information -> Generator Settings -> UAC Execution Level -> Set
to "asInvoker"

2. In your script, use the "Set Installer Flag..." function and define the
"$SB_ALLUSERSFLAG$" flag. Do *not* mark the "Set Flag" checkbox. This
instructs the installer to perform all operations in per-user and not
per-machine mode.

Please note that it is not allowed (and not possible) to do any
"per-machine" application any longer. That means, you don't have write
access to any protected Windows resource now.

Does this help?


03-10-2015, 04:49 AM
Thanks I am trying it now.

Gary Hoffman