View Full Version : Clarion 3rd-party only / Enhanced Clarion Detection support

03-04-2015, 11:03 AM
Clarion 10 3rd-party developers only:

As you probably know, SetupBuilder 8.5.4700 already provided built-in
support for Clarion 10 Enterprise and Professional Edition. The brand new
8.5.4712 gives you access to enhanced Clarion (Version) Detection which lets
you "fine tune" your 3rd-party installations.

See the attached 'ClarionA.jpg' screenshot. This is the well known
SetupBuilder for Clarion auto-detection screen. The installer automatically
detected "Clarion 9.1" and "Clarion 10" on this specific machine.

But what about the following scenarios: 1) the user copied and pasted his
Clarion environment from one machine to another without doing a proper
install or 2) a "smart" clean utility removed important Clarion registry
entries from the Windows Registry. As a result, Clarion is not "registered"
with Windows and auto-detection is not possible. Or this: 3) you have the
following different builds of the same Clarion version installed:


and you would like to install the template(s) to a specific C9.1 build, say,

This is where SetupBuilder's new feature comes into play. The new magic
$SB_SKIPCLARIONDETECT$ installer flag lets you programmatically switch (at
runtime) from Clarion "auto-detect" into manual detection mode. The user
can then select the folder in which his Clarion environment is located in
and the installer verifies the version details.

You have different options to enable this detection mode. For example, see
the attached 'ClarionB.jpg'. You can use the freeware
"DisableClarionAutoDetection.sbi" include script in your SetupBuilder
project and the installer accepts a new /disableauto command line switch.
The installer displays a list of all your supported Clarion versions (see
'ClarionC.jpg'). The user can select the "Search for Supported Clarion
Version" and then browse to his Clarion folder. Once selected (see
'ClarionD.jpg'), the installer verifies the version details and if accepted,
displays the detected Clarion version (see 'ClarionE.jpg).

Of course, if you don't like the command line switch solution, you can
display your own dialog and let the user switch from "auto-detect" into

I have uploaded a ready-to-use "command line" include script for
SetupBuilder 8.5.4712 to handle this.


IMPORTANT: Please mark [X] the "Allow user to search for Supported Clarion
Version root directory" and "Disable Next button if no Supported Clarion
Version detected" checkboxes in the "Clarion Environment Detection" dialog.

Let me know what you think.


Friedrich Linder

--Helping You Build Better Installations
--SetupBuilder "point. click. ship"
--Create Windows 10 ready installations in minutes
--Official COMODO Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner