View Full Version : warning GEN1116

05-12-2015, 03:34 AM
Product: SetupBuilder Developer 2015
Version: 8.5.4754

After a recent update I see this warning during project compilation:

Recursive compile (0:40): rt_vc2005redist_x86.sbi
[--- VC2005 Ask user enabled ---]
[SetupBuilder Runtime Include Script Copyright (c) 2006-2013 Lindersoft]
[Package 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package MFC Security Update'...]
rt_vc2005redist_x86.sbi(119): warning GEN1116: Missing File Properties detected: G:\Program Files (x86)\Lindersoft\SetupBuilder 8\Runtimes\vc2005redist\vcredist_x86.exe.
Try menu bar > File > Script Structure Validation.

I tried the suggestion but it reports no problem.

I didn't see that warning with previous versions of SetupBuilder.

05-12-2015, 07:46 AM

Because this Microsoft redistributable officially supports Windows operating systems up to Windows 7, the old include script (dated: September 2013) does not have the newer Windows 8.x or Windows 10 file properties. You can 1.) ignore the warning -or- 2.) add the properties by starting the IDE elevated, then double-click line 119 in the include script and click "OK" to close the File Properties dialog -or- 3.) start the IDE elevated, select the "rt_vc2005redist_x86.sbi" tab and select "File | Script Structure Validation".

BTW, you did not see the warning in previous versions because the compiler was unable to detect this issue. This is a new improved compiler feature.

Does this help?


Tom H.
06-03-2015, 01:46 PM
Hi Friedrich,

I got this message as well, although in my case the validation said it detected and fixed 11 issues.

Just curious -- what is it really doing?


06-08-2015, 01:17 AM
Hi Tom,

Sorry for my late reply. Working hard on a brand new mobile compliant website and it took more resources than expected.

This process will "add" the required Windows OS properties if missing file properties have been detected (e.g. for Windows 8.1 and Windows 10).


What you can also do is to simply highlight the specific files, press details, go to the OS tab, click twice on all OS. Save.
