View Full Version : Access other shortcut properties

07-17-2015, 01:05 PM
Hi Friedrich,
I have searched the docs and forum, but am just not hitting on the right keywords apparently - I am wondering if it is possible to modify some of the properties on the shortcut links after they are created. We've run in to a problem with our product on Windows 10 that in the short term can be solved by modifying the font, font size, screen buffer height and window height - but I don't see a way to set any of these through the visualizer or keywords to modify them afterwards through the script editor either.

So the only other option I'm thinking is perhaps I set my current shortcut links (one desktop and one program folder item) to be OS dependent and I ignore win10. Then I manually create a desktop link on my own machine that is included in the installer and copied over for win10 installations - it would already have the correct settings, I would just have to reset the shortcut target to point to their installation path. And of course I'd have to make sure I put it in the right places. Is this going to be my best solution?


07-23-2015, 04:51 AM
Hi Lisa,

Unfortunately, it is not possible to modify the properties of an existing shortcut (.lnk). You have to remove the existing one and create a new shortcut.

BTW, where do you see the font, font size, screen buffer height and window height in the shortcut properties?


07-23-2015, 01:13 PM
Hi Friedrich,
So then I wouldn't even be able to just include a preformatted .lnk in my installer and manually (well programmatically) edit the target then?

You can't see those options on all shortcuts, just the ones that point to a console program - which is what this particular installer is for. So I'm searching the net for a way to create my own shortcut programmatically and found this snip-it(http://blogs.msdn.com/b/oldnewthing/archive/2013/05/27/10421448.aspx), but it might just be a bit over my head. I'm trying to avoid the user having to change these things manually after installation on a win10 computer.