View Full Version : Different return values by Verify Serial Number (same script, different computers)

07-27-2015, 05:52 AM

I have got a new computer on which I have installed SB8 as I had on my old one. My build project is saved serverside.

If I start the build process by my old client computer, the setup build executes successfully and the serial number handling successfully accepts the predefined serials in the generated setup.

If I start on my new client computer the same build process (same script on server), the setup build will also executes successfully, but the serials will not be accepted by the function Verify Serial Number.

As well noted, I am running the same script (physically on server) on different clients with different results from the function Verify Serial Number.

Where is my problem?
Can you help me, please?


07-28-2015, 02:02 AM

This can only happen if you are using the same .sb8 project but a different SetupBuilder license to generate the setup.exe and list of serial numbers. Do you have a SetupBuilder Team license? This happens if, say, you generate the list of serial numbers with SetupBuilder license A and the setup.exe with SetupBuilder license B. Please use the same SB license (S/N) to generate both the list of serial numbers and the setup.exe. BTW, you can use the same SB serial number for two developers (or for one developer and one command line build server) -or- you can use the provided Team serial numbers for the individual developer (one unique serial number per developer).

Does this help?


07-28-2015, 02:48 AM
Hello Friedrich,

thank you for your answer. Now I have tried to transfer the maintenance and support subscription plan ID from my old client to my new client. When I have activated the transfered plan ID i get the message: "You have entered an invalid or expored Maintenance and Support Plan ID...".

We (ebro Germany) have a valid subscription aggreement. As we have to ensure the same S/N handling, we have to use the plan ID of my old client for my new client.

What to do?


07-28-2015, 03:08 AM
Hello Mario,

Just use the SAME serial number and the corresponding maintenance plan ID on both machines. In other words, use the serial number and maintenance plan from your "old" client on your "new" client.

Does this help?


07-28-2015, 03:09 AM
BTW, on your "new" client, just uninstall SB and reinstall with the serial number and maintenance plan combination from your "old" client.


07-28-2015, 05:54 AM
It works now,
thank you,

07-29-2015, 03:51 AM
Perfect! Thanks for the update.
