View Full Version : How Can I test the update install?

11-03-2015, 02:43 AM
I use the web update to update our software. When I use the RUN from
setupbuilder on my update install, I eventually get an error... it
cannot find my help file. This doesn't happen if I upgrade from the
internet like usual.

What is the best way to test these updates? I take a chance every time I
upload these updates.

Ray Rippey
VMT Software

11-03-2015, 02:43 AM
Hi Ray,

> I use the web update to update our software. When I use the RUN from
> setupbuilder on my update install, I eventually get an error... it
> cannot find my help file. This doesn't happen if I upgrade from the
> internet like usual.
> What is the best way to test these updates? I take a chance every time
> I upload these updates.

What I do is I use the full version information as part of the
filenames. That way I can upload the update files without risk of
messing up anything.

1. Rename your local INI file, from MyInstall.ini to something like
MyInstall_test.ini and then upload it to your server
2. Change the registry setting in your test machine to point to that
ini file rather than the normal ini file.
3. Run your autoupdate program on the test machine.

I use virtual machines for testing with. This way I end up with:


The ini file is actually renamed by the Build Automator script that
builds the install, so I don't risk accidentally overwriting the
buildautomator.ini file on the server!

At this point I upload the mess to the server, run my test VM, set it to
use the buildautomator_1336.ini instead of buildautomator.ini and now I
can test to my hearts content. Just remember once you are done to
rename the final ini to the actual ini and at that point the update is
active for all your users:)

Best regards,

Arnor Baldvinsson
Icetips Alta LLC