View Full Version : uninst.exe is deleted during uninstall

11-18-2015, 05:39 PM
I have several programs that get installed to the same folder.

They each have separate Product names and ProductGuid values and create separate uninst.log files.

If I uninstall one of them, the uninst.exe file is also deleted so I cannot then uninstall the other programs.

Can I make uninst.exe permanent?

11-19-2015, 03:04 AM

You need separate uninstall .exe and .log names. Then you can have an unlimited number of separate products in the same folder.

By default, the file names are defined as:


It's only "uninst.exe" for all products if you hard-coded this name in General Information -> Product Properties.

Does this help?


11-19-2015, 11:34 AM
That does it. Thanks