View Full Version : Comodo gave me 4 CRT-files - whats next?

12-12-2015, 10:49 AM
Hello Friedrich,

four days ago I ordered my new certificate, but Comodo didn't move. So I went
to their support site, started the chat, and during this chat I got verified
with a phonecall and eventually found a downloadable ZIP in my Management

So far, so good.

I downloaded tha ZIP, extracted the contents, found 4 files, each was ending with CRT.

Then I found an e-mail with a link, which pointed me to another Comodo page,
from where I could _install_ the certificate.


First question: Why should I install, when I got those CRT-files? Am I then
tied to this machine for the next three years?

Of course, installing did not work! I got a message in FireFox, saying my
private key could not be found. I did not know that I have one at all! It also
said, that I have to use the same computer from where I placed the order. Of
course, it was another one. <rolleyes>

Okay, switched to the other machine (also Win 8.1), starting IE, eventuelly
ended with this error:

ERROR 0x80092004: CertEnroll::CX509Enrollment::InstallResponse: Das Objekt oder
die Eigenschaft wurde nicht gefunden. 0x80092004 (-2146885628

Then I tried FF on this second machine, another error.

Second question: Have I just sent $200 down the drain?

I searched through Janes PDF, but found nothing on CRT, also nothing here in
the NG (using the webbrowserUI, which has a poor search function). Combed the
web, did not find anything helpful, but eventually found this page:


which seemed promising, but I confess, it has too much information for my
little brain. My head is spinning!

He shows two batch files, here is one of them:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\x86\signtool" sign /v /ac
"your-cross-cert.crt" /n "Your company name" /fd sha1 /tr
http://timestamp.globalsign.com/?signature=sha2 /td sha256 %1

Would this help me?

Or can I use these CRTs in Setupbuilder?

Fifth question (and last for today, I hope): What do I do next?

My intention is to have the code-signing capabilities on one machine now, but
easily move my entire environment to a new computer in 2016.

(Ich bin kurz davor, Männchen zu machen, echt jetzt!)

Somehow desperate,
Wolfgang Orth

The term PITA has to be defined new!

12-12-2015, 11:19 AM
Hi Wolfgang,

> I searched through Janes PDF, but found nothing on CRT, also nothing here in
> the NG (using the webbrowserUI, which has a poor search function). Combed the
> web, did not find anything helpful, but eventually found this page:

I followed Jane's PDF last time I got a new certificate and it went very
well actually. I do believe I got a link to download which downloads
and installs the certificate on the machine and then you can export it
from Explorer to the .pfx file that I then use in SetupBuilder.

Best regards,

Arnor Baldvinsson
Icetips Alta LLC

12-12-2015, 11:20 AM
Hi Wolfgang,

Firefox? Why did you not use the recommended Internet Explorer or Edge?
Firefox is not 100% Authenticode compatible. And I think that is the reason
why the installation did not work in your case :-(

Never ever try a non-Microsoft technology (Firefox, Chrome, etc.) to
retrieve an Authenticode certificate. It might work, but in some cases it
does not.


12-12-2015, 11:20 AM
Hello Friedrich,

>Firefox? Why did you not use the recommended Internet Explorer or Edge?

First machine was the wrong computer with the wrong browser. I really didn't
think of that, because I opened that link from the mail I received. Was not
aware, that I was in FF. :-(

On the other computer I started then, I used IE.

> Okay, switched to the other machine (also Win 8.1), starting IE, eventuelly
> ended with this error:

> ERROR 0x80092004: CertEnroll::CX509Enrollment::InstallResponse: Das Objekt oder
> die Eigenschaft wurde nicht gefunden.
> 0x80092004 (-2146885628 CRYPT_E_NOT_FOUND)

I will try to contact Comodo in a couple of hours, otherwise on Monday.

Those CRT are useful at all?

Anyway, I will report.......

Wolfgang Orth

12-12-2015, 11:21 AM
Hello Wolfgang,

> Those CRT are useful at all?

I *think* you need openssl to convert CRT to PFX.


But I have absolutely no experiences with this, sorry.


12-15-2015, 02:47 AM

I am glad that I do not have to try that way, because finally I got it working.

My problem was sitting at the keyboard...... right computer, but wrong browser.
Rigt browser, but wrong computer.

Fiddled it out finally!

Thanks for your patience!

Wolfgang Orth

12-15-2015, 09:48 AM
Hi Wolfgang,

> I am glad that I do not have to try that way, because finally I got it
> working.
> My problem was sitting at the keyboard...... right computer, but wrong
> browser. Rigt browser, but wrong computer.
> Fiddled it out finally!
> Thanks for your patience!

<G> ;-) Glad it's working fine now !!!
