View Full Version : Shortcut - start minimized - doesn't

01-10-2016, 10:50 AM
Hi Friedrich,

In SB, I've specified a shortcut for the start menu and selected start "Minimized".

The installation creates the startup shortcut, and my app starts on startup,
but it opens, and is not minimized.

IOW I was expecting it to run and be in the taskbar, where it resides when minimized.

What else do I need to do - I don't want my app to start minimized all the
time, only when started from Startup. Is that possible?



01-11-2016, 03:39 AM
Hi Liam,

> In SB, I've specified a shortcut for the start menu and selected start
> "Minimized".
> The installation creates the startup shortcut, and my app starts on
> startup, but it opens, and is not minimized.
> IOW I was expecting it to run and be in the taskbar, where it resides
> when minimized.
> What else do I need to do - I don't want my app to start minimized all
> the time, only when started from Startup. Is that possible?

SetupBuilder creates the correct "Minimized" option in the Shortcut for you.
See attached screenshots. The Shortcut has the "Minimized" Run option
enabled in the properties after the installation. Perhaps your own
application does not like (or handle) the "minimize event" sent from Windows
to your application at startup.


01-11-2016, 05:34 AM
Thanks Friedrich,

Yes you're correct - I actually meant the Startup folder, but I checked that
shortcut and it specifies minimized also.

My program does a few checks when it starts and this probably opens a window
somewhere in the process <g>

I'm now passing a parameter in the shortcut and that is almost working, I just
have to figure out the correct place to iconize the window.
