View Full Version : Webupdate - is the documentation still correct?

01-11-2016, 05:35 AM
Hi Friedrich,

I'm reading the documentation for web deployment and web update.

Is the section of the help "Using Web Update in Your Installation" still
relevant? I tried to run the web update wizard, but it will only let me choose
an "original installation project file" up to .sb8

To get wupdate.exe working do I only need to upload a recompiled installation
set, with an incremented version number for my app?


01-11-2016, 10:36 AM
Hi Liam,

> I'm reading the documentation for web deployment and web update.
> Is the section of the help "Using Web Update in Your Installation"
> still relevant? I tried to run the web update wizard, but it will
> only let me choose an "original installation project file" up to
> .sb8

Yes, it is still relevant.

There is a bug in the wizard (already fixed in the latest internal version).
In the file dialog (in File name), just enter *.sbp <RETURN> and it will
display all .sbp projects. You only need this if you would like to use the

> To get wupdate.exe working do I only need to upload a recompiled
> installation
> set, with an incremented version number for my app?

It depends on your update strategy. In most cases, the initial (full)
install and a web update are completely different projects. For example,
your initial setup installs all required files, registers the application
with Windows, creates folders and registry items, creates shortuts, etc.
But your web update only has changed files, it does not create Shortcuts,
does not register the app with Windows , etc.

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