View Full Version : Using the hyperlink control to open a webpage????

01-15-2016, 11:34 AM
Well, Friedrich, I have read all the documentation and posts regarding the hyperlink control and I cannot figure out how to get the default browser to open when clicking a hyperlink in the custom dialog. All I want it to do is to open https://www.gmail.com and I cannot get it to do that.

I CAN get it to do other things like open a messagebox but I need it to open the default browser and go to that page.

How in the world do I do that? I would have thought it would have been a simple as checking a box in the editor that says open the browser and go to this webpage.... Since it is a hyperlink and all.... :D

Can you assist with a solution???


01-16-2016, 04:27 AM
Hi Kel,

Absolutely no problem. I have developed and uploaded a small demo project.


The hyperlink control opens https://www.gmail.com with the default browser.

BTW, you can ignore the GEN1128 compiler warning !!!

Does this help?
